Sexual maturation in boys

Children grow very quickly: until recently your baby has been playing car games enthusiastically and adored when his mother took him in his arms, but with him significant changes begin already. This is the period of puberty, which in boys lasts from about 12 to 17 years. During these five years, the boy turns into a man, under the influence of hormones in his body is a violent restructuring. It concerns both the psyche and the physiology of the adolescent. Parents should have at least minimal information about the process of puberty, in order to be able to help their child in case of any questions or problems.

Signs of puberty in boys

  1. The increase in the sex glands is the first sign that the boy enters the pubertal period. If for all the previous 10-12 years the testes and penis of the boy have not changed in size, then during this period they begin to grow actively.
  2. Hair growth in the groin, underarms, and then on the face is activated.
  3. Due to the thickening of laryngeal ligaments in teenagers, the voice changes - it becomes more coarse, masculine. Usually the voice "breaks" very quickly, in a short period of time.
  4. During puberty, boys begin to grow rapidly and gain muscle mass. They are literally in a few years ahead of the growth of girls-girls. The figure of the boy takes a slightly different shape: the shoulders become wider, and the pelvis remains narrow.
  5. The character of the discharge also changes. Under the influence of sex hormones, the smell of sweat becomes more abrupt, unpleasant. The skin can become more oily, which leads to the formation of acne.
  6. A few years after the onset of puberty, that is, by the age of 13-14, the teenager becomes fertile, that is, a full-fledged man in sexual terms and, as a result, capable of conceiving. There is an erection and a pronounced sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Begin the pollutions - involuntary ejaculation, occurring, as a rule, at night.

Early puberty in boys

Often, parents pay attention to the appearance of the above signs for several years ahead of the specified dates. Sometimes this can be a consequence of premature puberty in boys. However, most often the advance of the "standard" terms for a year or two is a hereditary trait or feature of the teenager's body.

Symptoms of early puberty in boys coincide with symptoms timely puberty, but appear much earlier - even before reaching the age of 9 years. Such children noticeably outstrip their peers in sexual development. If such early development is a pathological deviation, then the parents, among other things, can notice the son's neurological symptoms: fatigue, frequent headaches, nervous disorders. This can serve as an indicator of changes in the hypothalamus, which leads to a powerful release of hormones. With such suspicions, the neurologist should be examined, but in no case should he express his doubts in the presence of the child, as the adolescents are very sensitive to the process of their growing up, and the tactless behavior of the parents can lead to serious psychological trauma.