Crafts from matches for children

Crafting from matchmaking matches for children is especially useful. In addition to the development of fine motor skills, the child develops spatial imagery. If at first the baby does not even know about how to make a craft from matches, then in time he will manage the real masterpieces. And the mother will bring real pleasure that the child learns to be assiduous, patient, smart, attentive to details, strives to achieve goals, develops creative potential and aesthetic taste.

Types of techniques

Crafts from matches can be done with glue and even without it. The smallest designers should first try a simple method, when the parts are fixed with glue. But here, too, accuracy is important. To ensure that the entire article is not stained with glue, every processed part must be well dried.

If the experience is enough, you can try to create crafts from matches completely without glue. It requires skill and patience, because the product can fall apart, and everything will have to start from scratch again. The shape of the matches allows you to create from the heads with sulfur locks, which firmly hold the structure.

If you first decided to do this business, we offer you a master class that will help you make crafts from matches yourself.

House of matches

We will need:

  1. Build a house is better on a box that can be rotated so that the house does not crumble. Two matches are placed in parallel at a distance of 3-3.5 centimeters. We cover 8 matches with heads in one direction. Between the matches we leave a distance equal to the width of the faces. Then we lay another layer, but put the matches already perpendicular.
  2. We put on the top of the well 4 matches, so that in each layer the heads are looked at in different directions. We do the same in the next six rows, until we get a well of seven rows. We lay on the well another layer of eight matches (similar to the lower deck). On top of one another (perpendicularly), but of 6 matches. In the corners we insert one match.
  3. Cover the house with a coin so that it does not crumble. Along the perimeter, now insert vertically matches, lowering to the bottom. The coin is no longer needed - take it out carefully. We squeeze walls, floor and ceiling. Now he is stronger. We turn it upside down.
  4. To strengthen the walls on them outside let another horizontal layer of matches. In this case, the heads must alternately intersect. At the corners we insert 4 more matches. Vertical layer along the perimeter of the house is raised by half, pushing from the lower side. Then lay out the attic, the pipe and the windows. Our craft in the form of a house of matches is ready!

When you master the simplest techniques of working with regular matches, you can make more complex versions of crafts. For example, vehicle models. Your child will certainly appreciate such an odd craft of matches, like a car, a bicycle, a tractor and even a helicopter.

These crafts require special work: the matches must be carefully broken, bent, and arched. A small child with such a job is unlikely to cope, so you will have to do it. But you will also enjoy creating original pieces for the kid from affordable and cheap material - regular matches.

And finally about the caution: you should not forget that matches to children are not a toy, but a variety of crafts from them - no doubt! And the most successful of them will be great gifts to relatives.