How to teach a child to count?

Do you dream of growing a genius-mathematician? Or at least just teach your child to go to the store on their own? Then lay the foundation of the account can already starting from the age of 2-3 years. Teaching children to numbers is not easy and requires patience. But modern moms have nothing to worry about! After all, today there are many methods that make it easy to teach a kid an account. We will tell about them.

How to quickly teach a child to count?

Reflecting on how to correctly teach the child to count, many parents try to introduce various methods in upbringing, to engage in long hours with their child and drum into his head different numbers. And this is fundamentally wrong, because the baby's brain may not yet be ready for logical calculations, and every child develops individually. What to do in this case? It's very simple - we teach the child to count with the help of games and fun! But for starters, a few important explanations:

So, the first stage we teach the child to consider using the quantitative side of numbers:

  1. The fact that you and the baby will be considered, should be interesting to him. Wait until the child has a good mood, and offer him a new game: "Let's count your legs. Here is one leg, but the second leg. We all have two legs. " In the same way, you can count fingers, pens, mother's eyes, boots, put on legs, etc. If the kid is thinking, the main thing is not to interfere with him, but to give himself an insight into where and how many limbs and objects he has.
  2. After two years of the child, you can learn the account of three subjects. In the course can go cars, stairs, birds, sitting on the fence and family members. The main thing is that the training takes place in the form of a game. As often as possible, talk with your child what you see. "Here are the birds sitting on the fence. One, two, yes there are three birds! Look, there are three birds there, "etc. If you read fairy tales at night, then use such as "Teremok" or "Turnip". They can safely be considered heroes and in the course of learning to build a number in your head. In the future, this will help you teach the child to count in the mind.
  3. The last stage of this stage is the moment when the child begins to count himself. After seeing a few interesting items, offer the kid: "Well, count how much ...". If the child does not want to strain the brain, do not insist. When he is interested, he will do it next time.

Stage two. How to teach the child figures?

  1. Knowing how the numbers look like is also very important when learning to count. You can start with the purchase of a poster with the image of numbers. It is desirable that near each digit were depicted objects. For example: 1 and nearby one apple, 2 and next two ducks, etc. Call the numbers and show the child them on the poster. You can play this way until the baby gets bored. Next, he himself will approach the poster, and bring you to it. As a result, the child learn not only how the figures look, but also will know how many items are behind this or that number designation.
  2. A book with an electronic account. Such an amazing work of our time can be purchased at any bookstore. It contains not only the colorful drawing of each digit, but also the accompaniment of sound. With such a toy, the kid will cope without your participation, and the effect of such games will be evident.
  3. An excellent option how to learn numbers with a child is drawing. You can at first simply draw a figure, and the baby is invited to draw the number of items equal to this figure. Then, on the contrary, you can draw, for example, 4 cubes, and the kid will have to represent the number 4. In the process of such a game, the child visually sees the correspondence between the objects and the number that belongs to their number.
  4. Another simple way how to teach a child to quickly count - drawing and uttering rhymes. While you are drawing, the baby uses the primary memory of his age. Later, after learning the rhyme, he will be able to reproduce his picture in his head. Here are some examples of such verses, which can first be depicted on paper, and then memorized:

Once - hand, two - hand -

We're making a snowman!

Three - four, three - four,

Let's draw the mouth wider!

Five - we'll find carrots for the nose,

We'll find the coals for the eyes.

Six - we'll put our hat on askew.

Let him laugh at us.

Seven and eight, seven and eight,

We will ask him to dance.

Nine - ten - snowman

Through the head - a somersault !!!

Well, the circus!


We begin our story:

Once upon a time there was a gnome - this time,

Two: the dwarf had a chest,

Three: there was someone living in it - fat-tuk!

And four: this someone

At night I ran to the swamp!

Five: he teased the dog,

Six: our dwarf was catching him!

Seven: the dwarf flew in the wind,

Eight: the eagle owl!

Nine: someone was scared,

Ten: he climbed into the trunk!

The dwarf took the chest home,

Until the morning he slept calmly!

With the help of this game you not only help the child remember the numbers, but also easily solve the question of how to teach him to count in the mind. In general, whichever option you choose, remember that in the form of the game, the kid will learn new knowledge much faster. The easier and more relaxed your lessons will be, the more effective the result will be.