Treatment with sex

Mankind is always trying to make its life more productive, combining business with pleasure. It is from these considerations that the word combination with sex came into being.


There are, for example, fans of treating colds with sex. Here it is necessary to clearly delineate the line between useful and harmful.

If it comes to a mild cold, a subtle discomfort, then sex, very much the way. Moreover, his benefit at this stage of the disease is confirmed by Swiss doctors.

Judge for yourself: having sex, you strengthen the ventilation of the respiratory tract, blood circulation, actively sweat, after all, you move and are charged with a positive, sporting attitude to fight the disease. This is certainly useful.

Quite another matter is treatment with the help of sex influenza or colds with high fever. Firstly, the flu is a dangerous disease that carries consequences. You can get complications, and your partner - a disease in an active form. Secondly, at a high temperature, any stresses are contra-indicated (and sex, as well as sport, is also a load), since the body needs to accumulate forces to fight the disease.

Having sex with a flu or a fever with a fever, after, you will feel broken and exhausted, and the disease, using this, will begin to progress.

Anal sex and hemorrhoids

There is an opinion that homosexuals practicing anal sex more often than others do not have hemorrhoids at all. Accordingly, some decide to treat anal sex with an anus disease. Doctors, seeing the result of the worst possible self-treatment, grab the head, because the mechanical effect of weak, inflamed vessels is not only harmful and does not contribute to treatment, but also terribly painful for the patients themselves.

Where is the benefit?

But still, if you do not take sexual intercourse as a cure for diseases, you can have sex regular prophylaxis of many ailments. First of all, this is a male prostatitis. Sex twice a week - the risk of prostate cancer is reduced by three times. And if a man underwent an operation on the prostate, sex is the best means of recovery. In order to guess why, you do not need to be a doctor - increased circulation of the pelvis, just what you need for problems of the prostate gland.

In addition, sex, like any other kind of physical activity, trains the heart and strengthens the blood vessels. Due to the fact that during the sexual act the pulse becomes twice as fast, the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases is significantly reduced.