Why do we need sex?

If depriving a person of sufficient food or rest, at best he will be very weakened, at worst - he can die from exhaustion. And sex - do you need it as much for our health?

Our own feelings and researches conducted by scientists speak about one thing: sex is necessary for every adult person. This is our biological need. Of course, we can do without it much longer than without water or food, and we will not die at the same time. But our life will lose a lot of colors, and on health and mood it will necessarily be reflected.

So why do people need sex?

  1. To meet the need for physical contact and reduce anxiety and stress. The skin of a person is very sensitive to touch. Stroking, hugging and kissing stimulates millions of tactile receptors, causing the production of hormones that suppress aggression and relieve stress. And they cause a sense of happiness and euphoria, which are replaced by relaxation and peace.
  2. To meet the need for emotional contact and spiritual intimacy. It is love making that allows many people to feel welcome. They never experience such unity with a partner as they do during intimacy.
  3. To reduce the pain. Great sensations that can be shared with a loved one - that's what sex is for, many people think. However, endorphin, which is produced during sexual intercourse, acts on our body as morphine, a powerful analgesic. With him passes any pain, including those caused by migraine or premenstrual syndrome in women.
  4. To maintain mental health. Feeling that they want us, love and appreciate, we believe in ourselves more. This confidence helps to cope with life's troubles and has a great influence on our mental balance.
  5. To improve physical health. Regular sex has an unusual effect on our body! Not only is it a natural massage and gymnastics for the heart, thanks to which blood more actively saturates all the organs and tissues of the body, so the metabolism improves, and together with it - the condition of the skin and hair, the complexion. A strengthened blood flow is the prevention of many diseases caused by its stagnation.
  6. Also, with regular sex, there are more antibodies that stimulate our immunity, and collagen, on which depends the freshness and tightness of the skin.

Do we need sex more than men?

He is equally useful to both, why some of them need to have sex, but some do not? Simply everyone gets something of their own. For women, for example, it is the prevention of hormonal and functional disorders, including infertility. Still - confidence in the feelings of his chosen one. And the best way to lose weight and generally look great!

And regular sex for men is their sexual health, a feeling of love and support for women, an opportunity to express their feelings in this way.

And yet there are people for whom sex is more important than for everyone else. These are those who have not had intimate contacts for a long time. Why do they need sex:

to relieve sexual tension, especially if erotic dreams and fantasies appear too often. It's not up to reasoning, why sex and what for, it's just needed! Or the desire will become so intrusive that it will not allow thinking about anything else.