How to learn how to win in a dispute?

Each person is a person and individuality, all have their own point of view on the same action or fact. Therefore, from time to time between people there are disputes, where every person tries to prove that he is right. Sometimes arguments get to the point of absurdity, for example, when a person has already given all his possible arguments, but the opponent still does not agree with him. But is there any way to win in any dispute and convince the interlocutor of your righteousness?

A bit of history

Even in ancient Greece, philosophers were looking for ways to resolve this issue. Science, which studied this issue, was called sophistry, it set out ways to persuade an opponent in any dispute. All politicians and other figures used the services of the Sophist sages who taught them this science.

The modern era

Today, people increasingly spend time near the computer and completely forget about real communication , not to mention the dispute. But all the same, there are exceptions and disagreements all the same arise, what to do, how to convince your opponent of his rightness? Of course the best way to win is to avoid such a situation, but this is not always possible. If your dialogue has entered into a dispute, then be prepared for the fact that the vis-a-vis will bring a huge number of arguments, just to convince you of his rightness.

Winning tactics

The best way to convince in any dispute is the method of induction. First, give all the arguments that you know about this, and then express your opinion specifically and only after that give your opponent the word. If you interrupt each other, a common argument can develop into a quarrel. The method of induction complicates your problem, since it will have to refute every argument immediately, and not as it proceeds. It is also recommended to use the Socrates rule, which says that you first need to ask a person some questions (including arguments) to which the answer should be "yes" and only then the main question. That is, the opponent simply can not disagree with your main argument, since before he agreed with all the arguments. But if you scream and say anything without any arguments, then such actions will cause only a protest and a double aggression, as a result, the dispute will turn into a real scandal.

If your opponent starts to argue, then listen to a few of them, but not more than 3 and immediately start to refute them, otherwise, when the interlocutor throws you arguments, getting out of this situation will be almost impossible. To have more opportunity to accurately refute all the arguments of your opponent, put yourself in his place.

It is important to remember that a person's consciousness is arranged so that he remembers only those arguments that were said at the beginning and at the end of the conversation. It is also important how you say what you say and how you hold on to it. It is important to properly use nonverbal drugs, such as facial expressions and gestures. To learn this, watch politicians, how they behave in dialogues with each other. But always remember how many people, so many opinions.

Let's sum up what is needed to win the dispute:

  1. Be calm, do not express your emotions, especially negative ones.
  2. Arguments for yourself why your position is right.
  3. Be sure of your right to the end, do not let slack. If you, at least for 1 second, doubt your position, the dispute is lost.
  4. If you know that the dispute will soon take place, it is better to prepare in advance and think over the arguments.