Masked depression - what is it and how to deal with it?

Often it happens that a person rushes to the surgeon, when the abdomen or the neurologist has a migraine if there is a migraine, but it turns out that the psychotherapist needs help. Masked depression is a very insidious disease, which is not easy to detect and even simple to experienced specialists.

Masked depression - what is it?

Some psychological disorders can be hidden not only for others, but for the patient himself. Masked depression is one of the chronic diseases in which the main symptoms of a depressed state are "disguised" under the symptoms of somatic or neurological diseases. At the same time, most patients refuse to believe in their condition and prefer treatment to other specialists.

Masks that hide depression

Diagnoses under which the underlying disease can be hidden is commonly called depression masks:

Masked Depression with Senestopathy

It is separately accepted to allocate such disease as a latent depression with sensopathy. The peculiarity of the ailment can be called that it is able to hide under the masks of certain physical sensations - senestopathies. The patient experiences unpleasant painful sensations in various parts of the body, which have no physiological causes. When these symptoms appear, you need to contact a psychiatrist, rather than specialists of other profiles. However, if there are headaches, a person goes to a neurologist, and when the stomach is troubled, he hurries to consult a surgeon.

Masked Depression - Causes

Such a mental disorder as a hidden masked depression develops as a result of a decrease in the concentration of hormones that can transmit signals from the senses to the brain. A person no longer experiences joy, pleasure and other positive emotions from life. Everyday life begins to appear gray and even empty, and everything that surrounds, ceases to interest. Among the possible reasons that can lead to this condition:

  1. Heredity . This hypothesis is still not scientifically confirmed, but thanks to research it became known that those people whose relatives suffered from neuroses, depressions and other mental disorders , the risk of this condition is higher.
  2. Hormonal disorders . Since in women, hormonal changes can occur more often, then the risk of developing a depressed state is greater.
  3. Traumatic events are parting with a close person, breaking off relations, dismissal from work and other events that cause strong feelings.
  4. General deterioration of the state - a syndrome of chronic fatigue , beriberi, a decrease in daylight hours, which can cause weakening of the body.

Masked Depression - Symptoms

Incorrect treatment can only exacerbate the situation, therefore it is important to know how hidden depression manifests itself. In order to help a loved one or a friend in time to cope with the disease, you need to find signs of hidden depression in time:

  1. Phobias, or constant anxiety . In this state, a person constantly experiences fear and anxiety. There are a lot of reasons for this, including fear of getting sick, fear of traveling in public transport. The main feature of such fears can be called their groundlessness.
  2. Obsessive-compulsive states . This may be an excessive desire for cleanliness, when the patient washes his hands ten times a day using antiseptic drugs. In this case, it is important to pay attention, if a person not only performs certain actions, but also requires the others.
  3. Neurasthenia . In a person suffering from a mental disorder, there is a decrease in working capacity, weakness, headaches. All these conditions almost always accompany the disease.
  4. Disturbance of appetite and sleep . Those who suffer from this ailment always have an anxious dream with nightmares, frequent awakenings. In some cases, as a result of nervous disorders, appetite increases and a person can gain excess weight.
  5. Change of character . Often an oppressed person becomes irritable, tearful, withdrawn, sullen and unsociable. Such people try to avoid contact with others and prefer solitude.

Masked Depression - Treatment

If the disease is diagnosed as a masked depression, you need to immediately seek the best psychotherapist who knows how to overcome depression. There are two methods of treatment:

  1. Drug therapy . In the treatment of mental disorders, antidepressants, tranquilizers and other effective drugs are used.
  2. Psychotherapy . Cognitive, behavioral, family, rational and art therapy are often used for treatment.