Lip Piercing

Piercing lips did in ancient times. In those days it was one of the attributes of various rituals and rituals.

Today, among fans of lip piercing, mostly avant-garde youth, representatives of subcultures who want to stand out from the general mass and that is why they resort to this kind of body modification.

Features of the procedure

The wizard makes a puncture slightly to the side or center. Lip piercing can be of two types: horizontal and vertical. With a vertical standard, a vertical puncture is considered, which is done strictly in the center of the lip. As decorations in this case, the labrets look good, with a rod thickness of 1.5 mm and a length of 6 to 20 mm. The size of the jewelry is chosen based on the thickness of the lips. Horizontal lip piercing is a rather lip-piercing puncture performed parallel to the lip. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the puncture heals from 2 to 4 weeks. At horizontal, the healing time may slightly increase, especially if a saliva penetrates the site of the puncture, which contains a large number of bacteria. Ornaments for piercing should be made of hypoallergenic material, most often from surgical titanium.

Lower lip piercing

Today - a fairly common phenomenon. It is considered one of the safest and easiest, because there are no large blood vessels and complex nerve nodes in the lips.

There are several varieties of lower lip piercing:

Piercing of the upper lip

Takes second place in popularity among piercings after nose piercing among women. The girls seem very nice, when a pebble flashes like a fly over the lip.

There are several types of upper lip piercing:

Care of lip piercing at home

  1. After piercing, the first 4 hours are forbidden to drink alcohol, eat, smoke.
  2. After 4 hours you can consume dairy products, flour, cereals and fruits, except for citrus fruits.
  3. Forget about the time of kissing and oral sex, as all this can cause injury to the pierced lip or infection.
  4. I'll have to give up sweet, salty, hot, spicy, cold.
  5. It is advisable to take vitamins, this promotes healing.

Effects of lip piercing

If you decide to pierce your lips regardless of the puncture site, you need to think carefully about the consequences, weigh all the pros and cons and decide whether you need it. After all, piercing can have many negative consequences.

  1. Every fifth piercing ends with an infection or allergy.
  2. Every tenth person who has done piercing must visit a doctor to wash an unhealed wound. In some cases, the piercing is removed.
  3. With some types of piercing, there is a risk of improper tissue healing.
  4. Sometimes piercing leads to the defeat of nerve endings, which can only come to light after a few years.
  5. Piercing increases the likelihood of contracting AIDS and viral hepatitis.