Detachment of the placenta in late pregnancy - symptoms

A complication, such as placental abruption in late pregnancy, about the symptoms of which will be discussed below, requires urgent medical intervention. That's why every woman expecting the appearance of a baby should clearly imagine those signs that may indicate a detachment.

How is this disorder manifested in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?

First of all, speaking about the detachment of the placenta at a later date, it is necessary to name such symptoms as increased tone of the uterine myometrium and excessive tension of the anterior abdominal wall. These signs can be determined visually (with gynecological examination, palpation of the abdomen), but they are always confirmed by ultrasound. It is this study that allows doctors to determine their further actions.

The thing is that almost up to the middle of the 2nd trimester the placenta can grow, and thus compensate for the lost attachment area.

The greatest danger is the detachment of the placenta at later periods (3 trimester), when the signs of its presence are:

  1. Pain in the abdomen of a different nature and intensity. As a rule, the future mother feels a dull, paroxysmal soreness, which often gives to the region of the hip, waist or perineum.
  2. Tension, and at the same time the soreness of the uterus itself. The abdomen becomes very elastic, palpation practically does not lend itself.
  3. Development of uterine bleeding. From the genital tract, scarlet blood appears, the volume of which only increases with time.
  4. Development of fetal hypoxia. It is determined by the increase in the number of perturbations and a sharp increase in the number of cardiac contractions in the baby.

The appearance of at least one of the above signs of placental abruption, especially in late pregnancy, should alert the expectant mother and get urgently to see a doctor.