Lemon in Pregnancy

A woman expecting a baby knows that during this period you should consume as much natural vitamin products as possible. Lemon is one of the leaders in the content of a very important substance for everyone - vitamin C.

But some women are not sure whether a lemon can be pregnant, since they are afraid of an allergic reaction in the baby, and even of the mother herself. Let's find out whether it is worth it to eat or not to eat this citrus fruit.

Is the lemon useful for pregnant women and what?

Naturally, leadership in the content of citrus vitamin C will not surprise anyone, but not everyone knows that the same black currant and white cabbage surpass the lemon. So, if this fruit is contraindicated to a woman, do not despair - prevention of colds and beriberi can be carried out with the help of other berries, vegetables and fruits, which our land is rich in.

But we should not forget that, like many useful substances, vitamin C is destroyed in boiling water, which means that when preparing a vitamin gull you risk not getting what you want, but just drink a fragrant drink with sourness.

A lemon is useful in pregnancy in the early stages of nausea, when a woman is overcome with toxicosis. Many are rescued to them, using various methods. Some people just need to breathe the essential oil of lemon, which is contained in the peel to get good health.

But more often it uses cool water with lemon during pregnancy. It quenches thirst well, reduces increased salivation and relieves nausea. This is also due to the content of the not unknown vitamin C. This method should also be used by those who want to saturate the body with useful substances, instead of putting the slice in hot tea.

Contraindications for the use of lemon for pregnant women

Women in the situation often want to taste something unusual and exotic, or to eat some product from the heart. The same applies to tea with lemon during pregnancy, which sometimes you want very much.

You can drink it without much restriction, but still watching your condition, because citrus is the strongest allergen, and pregnancy is the time of unexpected reactions of the body.

But if a woman has a tendency to allergies, it is better not to risk and give up the lemon during pregnancy. Also, you should know that two months before the birth of the baby should gradually reduce, and then completely remove from the diet allergens - chocolate, honey, citrus. After all, these irritants have the ability to penetrate the placental barrier and accumulate in the body not only the mother, but also the baby.

If this is not done, then after the birth of the child expects food allergy, already from the first weeks of life, and the blame for that can be neglect of the mother's diet during the carrying of the baby.

When a woman really wants a lemon during pregnancy, you can afford it in small amounts in pure form, provided that there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, excess acid in the stomach causes unpleasant sensations in the form of eructations or even heartburn, when the contents are thrown into the esophagus, causing bitterness and burning sensation in the throat and behind the sternum.

It is also worth remembering that tooth enamel is vulnerable enough to bear a child, and the acid of a lemon strengthens its destruction if you consume fruits in large quantities. To minimize its effects, rinse your mouth after each meal, especially acid.

Now you know if you can eat lemon during pregnancy. Doing this can and should be done if there are no contraindications, but in a limited amount, so as not to cause allergies in the baby's future and not damage the teeth of Mom.