Hops cones are good and bad

Hops and preparations from it have been successfully used in cosmetology; for the treatment of a number of diseases, various parts of the plant were used, including fruits: hop cones, the use of which has been known for a long time.

Chemical composition of cones

Healing properties of hops are due to their chemical composition:

What are the benefits of phytoestrogens?

Experts say that phytoestrogens are plant analogues of female hormones. Therefore, for the preparation of herbal natural teas and dues with health-improving "female" effect, it is the fruits of hops that are used. Their medicinal use is also confirmed in drugs that reduce the severity of climacteric phenomena. Hops cones are especially beneficial for women entering the menopause at a fairly young age.

The benefits of this climbing plant are known to treat purulent inflammation and skin diseases.

Hop preparations are also widely used for hair and scalp care. They are used to improve the structure of the hair, normalization of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, nourishment of the scalp.

Rinsing hair with hops after washing gives them a healthy appearance, make them shiny and filled with life and strength. However, hop cones are not only useful, but can also cause harm, if you do not know the characteristics of this plant.

As established by specialists, hop is able to actively accumulate harmful substances, including heavy metal salts, and if it grows in places with poor ecology, preparations made from it can negatively affect the nervous system, up to its disorders. In addition, uncontrolled intake of hops can lead to recurrent headaches, as well as serious poisoning.