Gooseberries are good and bad

It's hard to believe, but the motherland (most likely) of gooseberry is North Africa. It was from there that he moved to Europe, where he soon began to enjoy immeasurable popularity - of gooseberries even made wine, lovingly called "emerald." Now the love for the berry, in comparison with its triumphant past, has clearly gone out - and there is an explanation.

In the 20th century, gooseberry was attacked by powdery mildew - the breeders tried to breed varieties that were not subject to this bane, but this has not been 100% yet. As a result, gooseberries are eaten and grown on a smaller scale, the berry often wilds, and the gooseberry that is sold in shops and markets is most likely treated with pesticides, again, because of the above pest.

As you guessed it, this is the main reason for the harm of gooseberries - low probability that it is grown ecologically. But first things first…

Properties of gooseberries

Both the good and the harm of gooseberry are due to its multifaceted qualities. For example, the berry contains a large amount of pectin - this should please us, as pectins remove heavy metals from the body and create a natural barrier against radiation. That is, living in the region with increased radiation, you must grow gooseberries.

On the other hand, the berry is quite acidic - it easily increases the acidity of the body, which, it would seem, is harmful to people with high acidity, and however, it is very useful as prevention of oncological diseases.

The composition of gooseberry is as follows:

All this should help us understand the medicinal properties of gooseberries and their harm.

Gooseberries are good and contraindicated

Let's start, perhaps, with the benefit:

  1. Berry is incredibly useful to hypertensives - gooseberries skillfully lowers blood pressure. In addition, due to the high content of pectins, the berry cleans vessels of cholesterol. And vitamins B and P strengthen the walls of the vessels.
  2. Gooseberries help regulate metabolism - it is important to know who wants to try a diet on gooseberry. First, gooseberry has a pronounced diuretic property - it normalizes blood pressure, improves metabolism and acts prophylactically on the kidneys and bladder. Secondly, gooseberries serve as a laxative - again, a high content of pectins. This will help people with chronic constipation, digestive problems, lack of production of bile.
  3. One of the most obvious properties of gooseberries is the ability to make us more energetic, increase efficiency, and improve mobility. Here you need to thank the high-vitamin composition.
  4. As for the medicinal properties of gooseberries - this must be experienced on yourself! Roots, flowers, leaves and branches of berries brew like tea and drink in problems with urinary tracts, as well as to improve intestinal motility.


Of course, not without this ... A useful diuretic and laxative property will be fatal for those who already have problems with stomach disorders, and taking urinary tea without regular and abundant water consumption will lead to dehydration. In addition, gooseberries can not be eaten with milk, yogurt, yogurt (it is possible with cottage cheese), and also with plums - indigestion is guaranteed.

Gooseberries are strictly contraindicated in colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea, ulcers, and also just high acidity. Yes, and healthy people in large quantities of it is not worth it - the sensations of a person who has overgrown with gooseberry are similar to those that occur after unripe plums.