Condensed milk - good and bad

Condensed milk - as much in this phrase! Everyone has special memories from childhood associated with this delicious and nutritious product. Obtained from milk and sugar, it has all the usefulness of the first, but it is not without its drawbacks. The benefits and dangers of condensed milk in this article.

Benefits and harms of condensed milk for health

As already mentioned, condensed milk has the same useful qualities as regular milk. It acts as a source of valuable animal proteins - the main builders of muscles, as well as fat, lactose, vitamins , antibiotics, hormones, antibodies and other enzymes, which the body badly needs. Among the numerous useful properties of this product can be distinguished ability to rid the body of excess fluid and provide it with calcium, necessary for building bones of the skeleton, teeth, etc. Since ancient times, milk has been treated for cholera, scurvy, bronchitis, diseases of the nervous system.

But boiled condensed milk along with the benefit, can cause harm to the body. First of all, its high caloric content, because it is a very sweet product. One jar contains 1200 Kcal and if you abuse it with condensed milk, then all its benefits will turn into harm - excess kilograms, or even diabetes mellitus. In addition, today on the shelves of the stores there are products that are far from those that are made according to GOST and do not have the proper name, sounding like "Condensed whole milk with sugar". In them, unscrupulous producers add palm oil and other components with negative utility.

Many themselves make home-made condensed milk, the benefit of which exceeds the use of shopping, but the harm, consisting in excessive use, remains. Experts advise eating a day not more than 3 tsp. of this product, adding it to tea or coffee .