Flower "man's happiness" - how to care?

Flower anthurium, or, as it is called in the people, "male happiness" is usually given to men. It is believed that this is a symbol of courage, strength, passion and freedom. And to the owner this indoor flower brings "man's happiness" and good luck.

There are many legends about the origin of the anthurium - "male happiness". One of them tells of a beautiful Indian girl, whom the cruel leader of the tribe wanted to force to marry. However, the girl decided that it is better to die, and on the day of the wedding she jumped into the fire in a red wedding dress. However, the gods regretted it and turned it into a wonderful red anthurium, and the village into an impenetrable rainforest.

How does the flower look like "male happiness", so beloved by the stronger sex? Anthurium has beautiful dark green leaves, heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, reaching a length of up to 40 cm. Its inflorescence in shape resembles the ear of various shades: pink, yellow and white. This cob is surrounded by a magnificent glossy coverlet of a heart-shaped spotted, white or red color.

Anthurium blooms for a very long time: approximately from March to November. With good care, a flowering shrub can grow to a height of 80 cm and a diameter of up to 50 cm.

Flower "male happiness" - care

The most urgent questions of beginning florists: how to transplant the flower "male happiness" and how to care for it. It must be said that this flower is very capricious, fastidious and requires a lot of attention. Although the plant is heat-loving, but does not like direct sunlight and bright light. Therefore, in summer it must be pritenyat. If you notice that the leaves of the flower "male happiness" turn yellow and dry, it means they received a sunburn. We urgently need to transfer the plant to the place protected from the bright sun. In winter, anthurium, on the contrary, loves a lot of light, which will contribute to the successful flowering of the plant next year. Due to lack of light in winter, the leaves of the plant can also turn yellow.

The optimum temperature for anthurium is 18-20 ° C. At the same time, the humidity of the air must be high. To do this, you need to spray the flower twice a day. During this procedure, make sure that the droplets of water fall only on the leaves, and not on the inflorescences, which, if moisture falls, become stained and fall off. You can install a humidifier in the room.

The watering of the anthurium should be moderate, and the water for this is permanent and soft. Excessive watering can destroy the flower "male happiness": if its leaves turn black, and the roots rot, you need to dry the plant. Basically, water it should be once in four days, and in winter and even less often: once a week.

To feed the flower " Man 's happiness" with mineral fertilizers every month, except for the winter period of rest.

Flower "male happiness" - transplant and reproduction

The "male happiness" flower is transplanted most often in the spring, it is possible even during flowering. It should be carefully, trying not to damage the roots, move the plant together with a clod of earth in another pot. Capacity choose not deep, but wide, as the roots of the plant are small. At the bottom of the pot, always put a good layer of drainage. Beginners of florists sometimes wonder: why "man's happiness" does not blossom. One of the reasons for this may be planting a plant in a very large pot - the anthurium does not like it.

The flower multiplies by dividing the bush. One plant lives up to three years, then it begins to discard the leaves. Therefore, for the reproduction of anthurium during transplantation, it is necessary to carefully divide it into two or three parts.

The most suitable ground for anthurium is a mixture of leaf land, turf and slugs of marsh moss.

Perfectly blossoming "man's happiness" can become an excellent ornament of your dwelling or office.