Syringe with chamomile for thrush

Phytotherapy is a simple and at the same time effective therapeutic method. Official medicine recognizes as effective many folk recipes for herbal medicine. One of the most popular medicinal plants is the chamomile pharmacy. Antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile are useful in getting rid of thrush, sore throat, cough, skin rash, irritations and many other ailments. In this article, we will talk about how to brew chamomile for syringing, how to properly douche with chamomile, and also analyze whether the chamomile helps the milkwoman.

How to do syringing with chamomile?

Douching refers to the process of washing the vagina with medicinal solutions or herbal decoctions. Disputes about whether you can syringe daisies, have been going for a long time. Of course, this procedure can not be called a panacea for all ills, but the effectiveness of this method of treatment is indisputable. But, like most medical procedures, douching has a number of contraindications. They include:

It is important to remember that self-douchement can not be prescribed by itself - too frequent use of this method reduces local immunity in the vagina and increases the risk of developing infectious diseases. That is why syringing can not be considered as part of daily hygienic care.

How to treat a yeast infection with chamomile?

Treatment of thrush with chamomile is an ancient folk method of getting rid of this unpleasant disease. Decoction of chamomile with thrush removes inflammation and itching, helps to neutralize unpleasant odor, and also prevents the development of fungus and the spread of the disease. But completely chamomile from thrush can not relieve, therefore, phytotherapy should be combined with the use of modern antifungal drugs. It can be pimafucin, diflucan, livarol, clotrimazole, nystatin, miconazole, hexicon or any other medication for thrush prescribed to you by your doctor.

Prepare a solution of chamomile for syringing as follows:

2 tbsp. l. dry chamomile pharmacy pour 1 liter of boiling water and on low heat bring to a boil. After that, the broth is removed from the fire and cooled to 36-38 ° C. If you bought chamomile not in filter bags, you will need to clear the decoction from the particles of flowers. To do this, strain it through a fine sieve (you can use a tea strainer or gauze). Chamomile against thrush is not the only folk recipe for this ailment. If desired, you can add 1 tbsp to the chamomile. dried flowers of marigold, spores or oak bark. The method of preparation does not change.

After the broth is cooled to body temperature and filtered, you can proceed to the procedure. To carry out syringing with chamomile, you will need an Esmarch mug or syringe (preferably a special vaginal). Before starting the procedure, make sure that all parts of the syringe are well disinfected.

Fill the syringe with a decoction (make sure that there is no air left in the syringe - it must be completely squeezed out), gently insert its tip into the vagina and slowly start letting the stream of broth inside. At the same time in no case should not rush. It is necessary to watch, so that the jet is not too strong. The whole procedure (depending on the volume of the broth) takes about 15-20 minutes.

It should be noted that the liquid from the vagina will flow out, so you should prepare a container to collect it, or carry out the procedure in the bathroom or sitting on the toilet.

After the end of the procedure, it is better to lie down for a while (20-30 minutes). It is best to douche in the evening, before going to bed, but in some cases it may take several douching during the day.

Before applying syringing, be sure to consult a gynecologist.