Burning in the urethra

In women, burning and pain during urination are most often associated with inflammatory processes not only in the urethra, but also in any part of the urinary tract. With various inflammatory diseases caused by pathogenic microflora, microorganisms together with urine can cause inflammation not only in one part of the urinary tract, but spread to the extent of the departments. It is very easy to get inflammation in the urethra, because there is a descending way of getting into her infection. Especially often burning with urination and discomfort in the bladder and urethra occurs with cystitis.

Burning in the urethra - causes

Infections that cause constant burning in the urethra are staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, less often inflammation causes infections that are sexually transmitted - gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas.

  1. In acute inflammation there will be not only burning in the urethra, but also the symptoms of inflammation - pain when urinating , frequent urination, general symptoms of intoxication.
  2. With chronic inflammation, there will usually be a slight burning sensation in the urethra, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination during exacerbation.
  3. Inflammation and burning in the urethra can occur with thrush - because of the ingress of fungi into the urethra from the vagina and the development of inflammation.
  4. Light burning in the urethra can be caused by a violation of water-salt metabolism. In this case, periodic burning in the urethra will cause salts of urate, phosphate or oxalate, which, when passing through the urethra, can injure her mucous, causing irritation.
  5. Severe burning in the urethra can cause small stones in it as they pass through the genitourinary tract.
  6. Traumatize the urethra, a woman can and with coarse sexual intercourse, or when using various objects in it.
  7. Another cause of burning in the urethra is malnutrition. Many products, for example, even sweet Bulgarian pepper, have substances that can cause severe irritation of the mucocutaneous urinary system. A similar action may have spices, marinades, smoked products, alcohol, coffee and strong tea, some fruit juices, acids. Some medications can also cause irritation of the mucosa.
  8. Irritation of the urethra and vagina can cause and various personal care products (soap, deodorants, gels for personal hygiene), especially when the woman is sensitive to them. Even toilet paper can cause irritation due to dyes or allergic reactions to its constituents. Also, irritation can cause too tight underwear, or washing powders, with which it was washed.

Burning in the urethra - treatment

Before appointing treatment for burning in the urethra , you should undergo an examination at the gynecologist, where after taking a smear from the vagina determine the presence of inflammation of the urinary tract. It is also necessary to become a general urine test (it is collected in the morning from the middle portion), where they can find an increased number of leukocytes, red blood cells, bacteria and salt crystals, which can indicate inflammation of the urinary tract.

In the presence of inflammation, prescribe drugs taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen - broad-spectrum antibiotics (cephalosporins, semisynthetic penicillins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides), antiprotozoal drugs, antifungal agents, uroantisepsis, both chemical and plant origin.

When irritating the urinary system with salts or food products, you must adhere to a diet that excludes irritants. In case of allergic reactions, contact with allergens should be completely ruled out.