How is cervical erosion cauterized?

In modern gynecological practice, such types of cauterization of cervical erosion as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, radio wave electrocoagulation and laser destruction are often used.

Methods of cauterizing cervical erosion

All methods of cauterization of cervical erosion have both advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Electrocoagulation is a traumatic method that causes the formation of coarse scars on the neck, and can also cause severe bleeding, but the method is most often used because of its accessibility.
  2. Cryodestruction of the cervix does not leave scarring, but can not be used for the size of the affected area more than 3 cm, is not used for significant deformations due to poor contact of the freezing tip with the mucosa. But do not worry about whether it is painful to cauterize the cervix, because the procedure is painless, although sometimes causes uterine contractions. The method is rarely complicated by bleeding, but watery discharge after the procedure is possible up to a month.
  3. Laser coagulation allows you to remove only the pathological areas of the mucosa, leaving adjacent areas intact, you can burn more than 3 cm in area, but requires the use of local anesthesia, and often such complications after laser cauterization of the cervix as bleeding.
  4. Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​the least traumatic and rarely causes complications, does not require anesthesia, but is not common in our country because of the high cost of the equipment for carrying it out.

Preparation for cauterization of the cervix

Before the burning of erosion, a number of studies are needed to confirm the benign nature of the process (biopsy or cytological examination). Upon examination, the gynecologist should make sure that when the colposcopy is clearly visible the transition zone between the healthy and altered epithelium, and the lesion does not pass to the cervical canal. Also, the doctor finds out whether there are acute or acute chronic inflammatory diseases in the small pelvis. In the absence of contraindications and 1-3 days after the menstrual period is over, cauterization of the cervix is ​​done.

The procedure for cauterization of cervical erosion

Depending on the method of cauterization, use one or another method of exposure to the affected area. When electrocoagulation on damaged tissues act electrocurrent, but the method is suitable only for women giving birth.

A distinctive feature of how cauterization of the cervix occurs with radio-wave coagulation is the use not of electrocurrent, but electromagnetic waves of high frequency without direct contact with the mucous membrane, only due to the thermal effect of waves on the tissue.

In cryodestruction, moxibustion is carried out with the help of liquid nitrogen, which freezes the damaged mucous membrane, leaving intact healthy tissues intact. When laser coagulation of the cervix is ​​carried out a laser spot impact, even on very small damage, without causing negative effects on neighboring sites.

It is difficult to say how long will cauterization of the cervix, but usually the procedure takes a few minutes. Local anesthesia is often used for anesthesia during cauterization.

Recommendations after cauterization of the cervix

Complete healing of the mucosa after cauterization occurs for 1-2 months. During this period it is not recommended to have sex. To avoid bleeding, do not take a hot bath after coagulation. Possible discharge after the procedure - watery or bloody, for which vaginal swabs are not used, but only sanitary napkins. Colposcopy can be performed only after 2 months after cauterization. It is not recommended to swim in pools or open reservoirs, visit baths or saunas for a month after the procedure.