Cervical erosion - the 5 most frequent causes of appearance and the 3 best methods of removal

Cervical erosion is a gynecological disease in which ulcerations of various size and depth are formed on the surface of the organ. Pathology is widespread and is diagnosed in 30% of women of childbearing age. Often the disease occurs after childbirth.

Erosion of the cervix - reasons for the appearance

Considering such a disease as cervical erosion, the reasons for its development, doctors call a number of factors. Endocervicitis plays a special role in the development of pathology. This disease strengthens the excretory function of glands located in the tissues of the cervical epithelium. This fact is regarded as provocative. Among other possible causes of erosion, doctors identify:

  1. Infections and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. Pathogenic microorganisms, which are the causative agents of these diseases (gonococci, trichomonads , staphylococci), in the course of their life affect the mucous membranes of the reproductive organs, causing erosion of the cervix.
  2. Injuries and operative interventions on the genitals can be accompanied by damage to the mucous layer.
  3. Violation of the hormonal background can also cause erosion of the cervix. Early or too late puberty, cycle failures, can be considered as a factor provoking erosive lesions of the mucous neck.
  4. Decreased local immunity.
  5. Disorder of intrauterine development of the fetus during pregnancy. In some cases, the zone of the cylindrical epithelium is formed outside the cervical pharynx.

Erosion of the cervix after delivery

Erosion of the cervix during pregnancy can cause numerous complications of the gestation process. But in practice this disorder occurs after pregnancy. The cause of erosion are strong stress on the uterus and neck during delivery, as a result of which the organ can be damaged. In addition, factors contributing to the development of pathology during childbearing and after childbirth are:

Erosion of the cervix in nulliparous

The causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women are due to the state of health of their reproductive system and the characteristics of their sexual life. When studying the factors that provoke the disease in girls, doctors have stated that often the starting mechanism of damage to the mucosa is the earlier onset of sexual activity. When the reproductive system is not ready for procreation (young women have a narrow and short vagina), there is a high risk of trauma, which results in erosion of the cervix. Among other factors that increase the risk of pathology:

What is the danger of erosion of the cervix?

Doctors agree that any erosive lesions of the cervical mucosa are a favorable factor for the development of infection or inflammation. With prolonged absence of therapy, other diseases are observed. Regardless of what types of erosion are recorded in patients, all women with this disease are at risk of developing other pathologies:

True erosion of the cervix

True erosion in its appearance resembles a graze. Damage to the mucous membrane leads to inflammation of the multilayered planar epithelium. During the regenerative process, which takes 1-2 weeks from the time of erosion, there is an independent elimination of the focus or its transformation into an ectopic - the cells of the flat epithelium are replaced by cylindrical ones.

In gynecological practice, doctors use the classification, according to which the true erosion of the cervix, depending on the provoking factor, is divided into the following types:

Congenital erosion of the cervix

In most cases, erosion in adolescents is inherent in nature. At the stage of fetal development there is a violation of the correct development of the uterine neck. As a result, the boundary between the multilayered and cylindrical epithelium shifts to the vaginal part of the cervix. This defect is not large and often goes independently to 23-25 ​​years. Such erosion of the cervix is ​​characteristic of nulliparous women and for those who have used oral contraceptives for a long time.

Pseudo-erosion of cervix uteri

Hearing from a gynecologist the conclusion of pseudo-erosion of the cervix, what it is for the disease - women do not always know. This term is usually used to designate a form of pathology in which the cylindrical epithelium is located on the cervical region, which is normally sent by a flat multilayered epithelium. When examined, the doctor can determine the presence of lesions of red color with small villi. Often doctors use the term "ectopia" to describe this type of erosion.

Pseudo-erosion is acquired or inherent in nature. In the second case, the disease is considered as a result of a violation of the process of intrauterine development. Acquired pseudo-erosion may result from:

Erosion of the cervix - symptoms

The initial stages of pathology are characterized by the absence of a pronounced clinical picture. The symptomatology of the disease is hidden. Only with an increase in the lesion of the mucous membrane of women begin to document the characteristic signs of erosion of the cervix:

Vaginal discharge during erosion of the cervix is ​​the leading symptom of pathology. They increase significantly in volume and may appear outside the menstrual period. In addition, a characteristic symptom of erosion is bleeding from the vagina after sexual intercourse. During sex, there is additional trauma to the existing foci of erosion, which provokes the discharge of blood from the sores.

Erosion of the cervix uteri - treatment

Treatment of erosion of the cervix involves an initial diagnosis of the cause of the disorder, according to which an individual scheme of therapy of the disease is selected. If erosion is caused by infection in the reproductive system, doctors prescribe antibacterial, antiviral treatment, in accordance with the type of pathogen. At the end of the course of therapy, erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​immediately eradicated. Such treatment allows to get rid of erosion even to nulliparous women. Previously, the disease was recommended to be treated only after childbirth.

Treatment of cervical erosion medication

Medicamental treatment is directed directly at the cause of erosive changes. It helps not only to eliminate the provoking factor, but also to prevent the spread of the focus, to reduce the risk of increasing the number of erosive lesions. Especially effective are candles from cervical erosion. This form of drugs directly affects the focus of the affected tissues, stimulating regeneration and preventing attachment of infection. To treatment of erosion by candles resorted with:

  1. Damage to the mucous membrane caused by a violation of the imbalance of the microflora of the vagina.
  2. Painful sensations during menstruation in the area of ​​the sacrum.
  3. Trauma after abortion, difficult birth.
  4. Complex treatment after cauterization of erosion.

Among the suppositories used to treat erosion, the following drugs are used:

Erosion of the cervix uteri - treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of cervical erosion at home can not do without folk remedies. Doctors admit their use as an additional treatment. Before using medicinal plants, consult a doctor. Among the effective, the following recipes can be noted.

Tincture of calendula


Preparation, application

  1. Raw material is poured into a jar and poured with vodka.
  2. Put in a bright, sunny place and insist 14 days.
  3. Filter. 1 teaspoon of infusion is added to a glass of warm water and douching every day. Begin from the second day after the menstrual period. The course of treatment is 21 days.

Tampons from erosion


Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. The resulting mixture is moistened with a tampon and injected into the vagina at night. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Solution for syringing


Preparation, application

  1. Raw material is poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 20 minutes.
  3. Filter and spend the received solution of syringing.

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

Cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves is an effective method of treating the disease. The method excludes contact with damaged tissues. Passing through a special apparatus, the current is converted into radio waves, which are guided by an electrode to the affected area of ​​the neck. The surface of the body itself does not undergo heating, the occurrence of burns is excluded. To reduce painful sensations, doctors can use local anesthesia.

Treatment of cervical erosion by laser

Talking about how to treat erosion of the cervix, doctors allocate laser therapy. This technique assumes a direct effect on the lesion lesion by a laser beam. Beforehand, the neck is worked out with iodine solution, which helps to outline the erosion boundaries. Under the action of the beam, evaporation of moisture from the damaged cells occurs, as a result of which they are destroyed. This cauterization of cervical erosion is painless and highly effective. After treatment, scars are not formed.

Cryodestruction in cervical erosion

Solving the question of the method of therapy, determining how to cure erosion of the cervix, doctors often resort to the method of cryodestruction. When it is carried out, the affected tissue is treated with liquid nitrogen using a special apparatus. The tissue area becomes white. The cells die with time, and in their place the formation of new, healthy ones takes place. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. There are abundant watery discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion. Their duration should not exceed 5-7 days. Otherwise, consultation is required.