Removal of the endometrial polyp is an operation and a recovery period

Such surgical intervention as removal of the endometrial polyp is a frequent gynecological procedure. Education itself is the outgrowth of a tissue that differs in structure and structure. Has a benign nature. Let's consider the violation in more detail, highlight the features of surgery and therapy, tell about the nuances.

Surgery to remove the endometrial polyp

The method of therapy is radical. If the size of the formation is small (up to 2 cm), hormones can be prescribed in advance. In the absence of a result, surgical treatment is performed. The endometrial polyp in the uterus, which is removed under anesthesia, is diagnosed with ultrasound. It determines not only the size, the structure of education, but also its precise localization, which is important in drawing up a plan for radical therapy.

Removal of the endometrial polyps - hysteroscopy

This method is common. Supposes the use of a special optical system. Identifies very small foci. Part of the material is often placed in a sterile tube for histological examination. Hysteroscopy - removal of the polyp without incisions. Access is through the vagina, which eliminates the need for additional trauma. After the mirrors are established, an expander is introduced, then the device itself is removed and the endometrial polyp is removed. The end of it has special forceps, with which help the tumor is cut off.

Removal of the endometrial polyp by the laser

Laser removal of the endometrial polyp is one of the low-traumatic surgical procedures. The beam not only cuts off the altered tissue, but also cauterizes the wound, which greatly reduces blood loss. Further regeneration processes occur much faster. Cut neoplasm layerwise, the entire course of surgical manipulation is controlled by video equipment. Lasts no more than 20 minutes. Scars in place of incisions are not formed, which does not prevent conception in the future.

Scraping endometrial polyp

Such manipulation as scraping of the polyp in the uterus is carried out within the framework of hysteroscopy, under the direct control of the optical apparatus. Carried out under anesthesia. The disadvantage is the fact that the tissue is severely injured. This requires a subsequent long recovery period, taking medications. Used for extensive lesions of the uterine layer.

Preparation for an operation to remove the endometrial polyp

Initially, a woman undergoes a gynecological examination. At the same time, the condition of the vaginal walls, cervix is ​​assessed, infectious lesion is excluded. The removal of smears. The results exclude contraindications. The very preparation for hysteroscopy (polyp removal) involves the following rules:

Preparation for scraping, laser exposure, assumes the same rules. In this case, a woman can be placed in a hospital for examination several days before the operation. In some cases, she just comes to the clinic at the appointed time. These interventions are so minimally invasive that after a day passes, the girl goes home.

Recovery after removal of the polyp in the uterus

This procedure is well tolerated. After removal of the endometrial polyp, a recovery period begins, the duration of which on average is 6-8 months. So much time is required for complete normalization of the reproductive system. The process of recovery includes:

Immediately after the manipulation, the woman is recommended:

Treatment after removal of the endometrial polyp in the uterus

Therapeutic measures are of an individual nature. Treatment after removal of the endometrial polyp suggests:

Periodic inspections are an integral part. In order to prevent and timely identify relapses, a woman is examined once a month, ultrasound. In case of re-education, scraping of the uterine cavity is performed. During the recovery period, a woman is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse - this again injures the mucous membrane of the vagina, prevents its normal healing.

Monthly after removal of the endometrial polyp

After the procedure, many women experience problems with the cycle. Because of this, the question of how the monthly period after the removal of the endometrial polyp is gynecologists often hear from the lips of the girls. According to medical observations, menstrual discharge can be delayed up to 30 days. Important is the age of the patient, the nature of the changes, the volume of affected tissues.

After the removal of the endometrial polyp has been carried out, there is bleeding that is not associated with cyclic changes. It is worthwhile to ensure that its duration does not exceed 10 days. This may indicate the presence in the cavity of the parts of the removed tumor. This is rarely observed. Carrying out repeated cleaning, - eliminates such a problem. For the normalization of the cycle, progesterone drugs are prescribed.

Pregnancy after removal of the endometrial polyp

Violation is an obstacle to implantation of the fetal egg. As a result, the onset of gestation is difficult. Even before the scheduled, the patient is wondering whether it is possible to become pregnant after removal of the endometrial polyp. Doctors point out that this significantly increases the chances of fertilization. They note the need to exclude unplanned pregnancy.

During the period of taking hormones and restoring the uterine tissue, there is a need to use contraceptive barrier agents. The length of the period of the return of the organism to its previous state can be prolonged to 4-6 months - it is so much required for the complete restoration of the uterine inner layer. Planning pregnancy begins when the doctor permits, which ascertains the normal thickness of the tissue, the absence of new lesions.

Polyps of endometrium (removal) - consequences

The most effective way of treating the disorder is removal of the endometrial polyp (hysteroscopy), the consequences of which are few. These include:

The elimination of education with the help of a laser has practically no negative consequences. The comparatively low prevalence of this technique for removal of the endometrial polyp is due to the need to have highly qualified personnel and equipment in the staff of the medical institution. If all the algorithms are adhered to, competent manipulation, the consequences are completely excluded. In this case, the regeneration of the damaged tissue proceeds more quickly.

Scraping is rare, because: