Tea made from raspberry leaves - the most delicious recipes for making a healthy drink

Prepared in any way raspberries in winter is very popular, because the berry is famous for its useful properties in the fight against colds . Not only jam or jam can be harvested, but the leaves are surely put into use, by drying them for future use and preparing fragrant tea from raspberry leaves.

How to make tea from raspberry leaves?

To make tea from crimson leaves, they are used in fresh or dried form, it is possible to add other herbs. There are such recommendations for its preparation:

  1. To make tea from dried leaves take 2 sl. Spoon the crushed mixture and pour 2 glasses of hot water.
  2. The dishes are closed with a lid and insisted for 2 hours, but not more.
  3. After receiving a useful decoction of it, small leaves are removed to enjoy while drinking.
  4. To sweeten tea from raspberry leaves, you need to add honey or sugar, but it will be more useful to enjoy the taste of sour broth.

When to collect raspberry leaves for tea?

To tea was endowed with all the necessary useful properties, you need to be sure that the leaves are really collected from the crimson bushes and there are no diseases on them. To purchase a quality product, the preparation of raspberry leaves for tea should be done by yourself. Implement this process is not difficult, the main thing is to follow some simple rules:

How to dry raspberry leaves for tea?

The main stage to prepare a fermented tea from raspberry leaves is drying. For this, the following actions are carried out:

  1. Leaves are washed and dried, and then the green leaves are laid out on a clean horizontal surface.
  2. The place to dry should not be wet, but not too hot.
  3. The degree of drying of raspberry leaves is determined by their fragility, in a well-ventilated room it takes 3-5 days.
  4. For convenient storage, entire sheets can be ground.
  5. To preserve all the useful components of crimson blanks, fabric or paper bags are suitable.

Tea made from raspberry, currant and mint leaves

Like raspberry leaves, currant also contains many phytoncides that help a quick recovery during a cold. Decoction from the currant itself has negative effects, for example, it adversely affects the tooth enamel, therefore, adding raspberry leaves, you can get rid of this defect. Preparing tea from raspberry leaves with a few mint leaves will make it more fragrant and useful.



  1. Brew all the ingredients of the tea in boiling water. Wrap the container with a towel.
  2. Tea with raspberry leaves is infused 3-10 hours.

Tea made from raspberry and cherry leaves

Cherry has a useful properties not inferior to currant and raspberry leaves, it contains many vitamins and trace elements. The folk remedy is able to increase immunity and stop bleeding. Cherry leaves are also collected before the appearance of the inflorescence, when the leaves concentrate the maximum number of useful components. They blend well with raspberry leaves, especially positively such tea is reflected in people with heart problems. Combined tea made from raspberry leaves at home will help to cure a cold more quickly.



  1. The crushed leaves are poured with boiled water.
  2. Tea from the leaves of cherries, raspberries is infused for 20 minutes, and the drink is ready for use.

Tea made from fresh raspberry leaves

Fresh leaves rarely use for tea, because dry have a longer shelf life. However, tea with fresh raspberry leaves can be brewed with the help of hot water, but beforehand they must be crushed and turned into gruel, then useful components are quickly transferred to the water. In addition, such a gruel is used in cosmetology.



  1. Make a gruel from the raspberry leaves, pour it with water.
  2. Tea made from fresh raspberry leaves is infused for 3 hours.

Tea from currant and raspberry leaves

Combined tea has many healing properties, it is much more useful than modern infusions. Preparation of tea from the leaves of currants and raspberries helps improve metabolism, drinking relieves swelling, and also acts as a diuretic. Leaves from raspberry and currant shrubs have a common antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immuno-fortifying effect.



  1. Pour the leaves with boiling water.
  2. Leave to stand for 3 to 10 hours.

What is useful for tea from raspberry leaves?

For those who decided to use tea from raspberry leaves, the benefits and harms of this drink should be the first question to be studied. It has the following properties:

  1. At elevated temperatures, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, but if it is such a tea, you can get rid of the disease faster. The temperature will not only decrease, but viruses and bacteria that attack the body will also leave. Tea helps to treat inflammation in the respiratory tract and will speed up the phlegm withdrawal from coughing.
  2. Tea made from raspberry leaves is considered a feminine drink, as it helps to cope with many inflammatory gynecological diseases.
  3. Herbal tea helps to increase the tone of the uterus and make the walls more elastic, which helps to pass the birth without complications. But it is not recommended to use tea with crimson leaves in the early stages of bearing the fetus, so as not to provoke miscarriage.
  4. People who are prone to poor blood coagulation or in which there is an increased level of acidity, it is better not to resort to this method of treatment.