Algae in the aquarium

Being in the aquarium of living algae not only makes the dwelling of water inhabitants more beautiful, but also plays an important role in establishing a favorable microclimate and creating an appropriate ecosystem for healthy growth and development, as well as the long existence of various species of fish. They affect air exchange, absorb many products of life of aquarium inhabitants, help create shaded places, which are so necessary for some species.

Which seaweed is best for the aquarium?

For a freshwater aquarium, various types of algae can be chosen that require both anchoring in the ground and freely float in the water column or on its surface. Many of them are not even algae in the literal sense, but rather belong to plants adapted to life in water.

Among the plants that need placement and rooting in the soil of the aquarium , you can call, for example, Ludwigia . This "alga" has a long pop-up stem with leaves. They create a beautiful decorative effect. If you are interested in the question of how to plant such algae in an aquarium, then you will find out that they should be planted without a root system, a cuttings. It is placed in the ground and is buried, and if the plant emerges, it is additionally littered with pebbles.

Also, algae growing in the type of rosettes (when from the root leaves immediately in different directions) look beautiful in the aquarium. A bright representative of this kind of algae is Samolus . These species should be planted immediately with roots in the ground and properly buried.

There is also a whole class of plant species that do not require a landing in the ground, but which can be fixed on various solid objects (driftwood, ornamental elements of the aquarium, large stones). Among such plants, the Bolbitis species can be noted. Usually such plants are classified as moss.

Finally, freely floating plants are the most popular variety, as they facilitate the care of algae in the aquarium. They can be removed at any time, washed without harm to the plants themselves and the entire aquarium. A bright and very popular representative of such algae is the Lagarosiphon of Madagascar.

Algae in a marine aquarium

The types of algae planted in aquariums with sea water differ slightly from freshwater variants, as they must be adapted to these conditions. Usually such algae are caught in the seas or divorced in already salty water.

Very beautiful plants look like Asparagopsis taxiformi s. Its pink-white leaves are supposedly made of the finest beads, and their pinnate structure looks extraordinarily beautiful. Such a plant will decorate any aquarium.

Caulerpa brownii also has pinnate leaves, but already a deep dark green color. Planted in the ground, this plant creates a beautiful effect and very ennobles the space of the marine aquarium .

Stems of Caulerpa cupressoides form dense twisted strands, which can reach up to 30 cm in length. The leaves of this plant are very small and frequent, which gives it an original appearance. The color of this marine plant is bright green.

But Caulerpa prolifera has wide and flat leaves, rising from the stem upward, while it itself spreads along the bottom of the aquarium. At the same time, an effect is created, as if several identical algae are densely planted in the soil. Such seaweed is perfect if you have fish species in your aquarium that like to hide in thickets of plants or lay eggs on the surface of leaves.