The wavy parrot has a beak

Some owners of wavy parrots , after discovering on their beak some stratification, panic over the question whether it is an illness or what to do if the beak of a wavy parrot is thin.

Reasons why the parrot has a beak

First of all, wavy parrots, these very delicate and fragile creatures, require careful care and constant control over their well-being.

Therefore, every owner of these feathered handsome should have at least a minimum of knowledge about the physiology and features of the content of these birds. So, having discovered the stratification of the beak in a parrot, first of all, do not panic. After all, if it's a young bird (no older than six months), then the parrot's beak can be stratified for natural reasons - it simply grows and should be sewn. To help the feathered pet, place a few branches from a fruit tree 1-1.5 cm thick in a cage containing a bird. But before this, it is always good to wash and disinfect the branches by scalding. Parrot, gnawing on branches, can naturally stitch a beak.

Diseases of the beak of wavy parrots

The situation is different with an adult bird, especially if incomprehensible growths are added to the stratification and the color of the beak of the beak changes. Do not immediately seek the cause of improper care for the pet. The tick is the most likely explanation, and the source of infection can be anything, even a grain mixture for feeding. Sometimes the stratification of the beak is a concomitant phenomenon in kemidocaptoze (scabies). And another reason may lie in the lack of nutrients. To determine the true cause of the problem, contact the vet clinic where the scraping from the affected area will be taken and its laboratory examination performed. Depending on the results, you will either be consulted on the rational nutrition of the parrot, or prescribe a treatment if the tick is stratified. For the treatment of birds, they will prescribe a special hypoallergenic ointment (it is convenient to use it with a soft brush for watercolor), and, in addition, recommend to get rid of all wooden perches, toys, chalk stones - all those objects whose porous structure can serve as a refuge for the mite. It is also necessary to thoroughly disinfect the cell and all the places where the parrot likes to sit.