Catfish in cats

Sometimes the owners of cats observe such a picture: their pet is inactive and depressed, and the stomach is strongly swollen and interferes with movement. These symptoms are a direct signal of dropsy in cats. This name is not considered official. It is used because the main manifestation is bloating, as if it is filled with water. The official name of the disease sounds like "ascites", which in Greek means "belly", "leather bag". How to treat dropsy in cats and what are the main manifestations of the disease? About this below.

Symptoms of dropsy in cats

The main sign of ascites is a swollen, very tight belly. The size of the peritoneum varies with the pressure of the fluid stored in the abdomen: if you hold the cat in a vertical position for several minutes, the liquid will pass to the lower part of the abdomen, making it look like a pear. After the animal is dropped, the stomach will again become evenly swollen.

What are the causes of dropsy in cats? First of all, this complication of chronic diseases of internal organs. Increased risk occurs in animals suffering from pancreatitis , diabetes, cirrhosis, hepatic, cardiac or renal insufficiency. The abdominal cramping in cats is manifested by the following symptoms:

These symptoms indicate a dangerous disease, which, if delayed treatment can lead to complications and even fatal outcome.

How to treat dropsy in cats?

If the diagnosis of dropsy in cats is confirmed, then you can prescribe the appropriate treatment. To do this, the owners must limit the pet in the diet, reducing the amount of water for drinking and eliminating salt. In this case, you need to increase the amount of proteins.

To reduce the amount of accumulated fluid use diuretics and drugs that support cardiac activity, because ascites often leads to heart failure. If the swelling does not pass, then it must be pumped out through a puncture in the abdomen (paracentesis). Further treatment is directed to fight with the main disease. To do this, a thorough diagnosis of the body is carried out in order to find the main cause of the disease. You will be offered to do ultrasound, biochemical tests, radiography and laparoscopy.