Sexual energy

Female sexual energy, as a rule, begins to leak out at a tender age - about 14 years, and the maximum flowering reaches 18 years. Of course, this is not an axiom, moreover, the girls of some peoples "mature" much earlier. But, as a whole, it is possible to consider this time the period of formation of a woman's sexual energy. The further our life is a constant circulation of energy, including sexual.

Sublimation of sexual energy

Surely you remember from the school course of physics that no energy can disappear. Just transform. This also applies to female sexual energy. She always looks for an outlet, and it is important to know how to control and use sexual energy competently so as not to get the traditional side effect: flashes of irritability, aggression, growing into depression, excessive appetite, etc. After all, the result of the sublimation of sexual energy, can be another energy directed to the "peaceful" channel. So, some women spit out their emotions in verse, others - on the treadmills, others - manifest themselves on stage, the fourth - enthusiastically engaged in charity. Just thinking about how to convert unused sexual energy, you choose the path of conscious sublimation. You give yourself a choice.

The most important thing: in any case, do not suppress desire with the help of reproaches in your address. Many women scroll in the head of thoughts related to the fact that they are not worthy of a certain man, some even consider sex a dirty occupation. If the sexual energy of a person is implicated in a sense of fear and guilt, then she will find the way out in negative emotions. Treat sublimation differently: you transform sexual energy (which, for whatever reason, can not now find a direct way out) into something more spiritual and lofty, that is, climb the chakra higher. Wonderful poems, dizzy career, cross-twine, after all - all this can be the result of the correct management of sexual energy.

However, sometimes it happens that you do not need to think about how to transform something - modern life often draws from us sexual energy beyond our will. And then you think about how to get it back on track.

How to increase sexual energy?

First of all, you need to put your thoughts in order, and also give rest to the body. The rational distribution of forces will enable us to find the potential for generating energy. The restoration of sexual energy must begin with the purification of thoughts. Including from the past. If in your head the scenario of the last unfortunate love is constantly scrolled, there can be no question of any restoration.

How to wake up and conserve sexual energy:

An excited blush, a burning look, an inexplicable radiance of the skin is not the result of using a miraculous cosmetic remedy. This effect can have a strong attraction to another person. So do not be afraid of your sexuality, enjoy it!