White crow - is it easy to be different?

The white crow is a very rare bird, so people who fall out strongly from society and social norms of behavior are also called that. Since in recent decades albino crows have become an extremely rare phenomenon, we can talk more about phraseology. Why do individuals choose such an image: by their own will or by birth?

What does "white crow" mean?

The expression "white crow" is used in 2 meanings:

  1. In the world of nature - an albino crow. Albinism is an anomaly, creatures that have a similar disease are considered special.
  2. The white crow in society is a personality that stands out from the crowd with looks, tastes, manners and behavior.

White crows in nature are not very adapted, it is difficult for them to hide from predators because of their bright plumage. They are not like the others. This explains the origin of the phraseology "white crow", so began to call people unusual in behavior, which stand out from the crowd with their manners and views. This expression is inherent in two polar types of personality :

  1. Artists, writers, scientists, living in their world of sounds, images and fantasies.
  2. People are stupid and narrow-minded, who are too lazy or difficult to rise to the standard level.

"The White Crow" - psychology

As a term, this phrase has found application in psychology. By the standards of psychology, the "white crow" is a person whom society considers alien because of dissimilarity in others. This is not about appearance, but about moral values ​​and assessments of what is happening. Often, this manner of behavior is chosen by adolescents or creative individuals in order to declare themselves, to achieve recognition. Characteristic features of such people:

Is it easy to be a "black sheep"?

"White Crow" is a person with his own character traits , unlike a nonconformist, such a person does not set himself the goal of standing out, he simply considers his moral values ​​to be more correct. At all times, such people have had a hard time, because:

What if you are a "white crow"?

Many parents are interested in the question: how to live a "white crow"? Children themselves are not always burdened by loneliness, sometimes teenagers even tend to show their dissimilarity. And the mother and father are concerned about how the child will be arranged in adulthood. Often, and adults are burdened by their inability to adapt to the society. Psychologists give such recommendations:

How to become a "black sheep"?

To fall into the category of those who are called "black sheep" is very easy, it will suffice to express the views that are radically opposite to the generally accepted positions, to change the style of dress, hairstyle and manner of speaking. Refuse to mobile, iphone, iphone, pages in social networks, to demonstrate their independence from the norms. Although recently the mood on the Internet began to distinguish the concept of "white crow" in a positive, when it comes to business in social networks. Advice that you need not to be afraid of being a "black sheep":

The Parable of the White Crow

A unique light plumage gave rise to an instructive parable about the white crow. Since childhood, she was not liked for the strange color, so she quickly grew up. This crow was hated by many, but she could not understand why and why. They made dirty tricks, but the bird answered kindly for offense, and to communicate less, it began to soar high in the sky, far away from the relatives. The life of the white crow was difficult, but she grew up strong, hardy, for which she was even more jealous.

And once the white crow decided to fly away in search of the same white birds as she, so that she was accepted into a new flock. And only after the disappearance of the white bird, others appreciated its qualities and began to regret their mistakes. The moral of this parable is that you do not need to be afraid of being yourself, keep pride and dignity, be able to seek like-minded people and never try on someone else's destiny.