How to learn to love yourself?

Who did not hear the phrase "A woman should love herself"? But that's what it really is, very few people know. Some people do not understand why they love themselves, considering it a manifestation of selfishness and narcissism.

Do I need to love myself?

What kind of question, of course, is needed! Many ladies are unhappy only because they do not know how to learn to love themselves. And who to love, if not yourself? The beloved man, mother, father, children, sadly, have their own life and there are periods when they are not up to us. But our personality and our body are with us from birth to death, and nowhere to get out of this. And who is more worthy of love - "temporary passenger" or "permanent inhabitant"? The answer is obvious - you need to love yourself.

What does it mean to love yourself?

As already mentioned above, many confuse love for themselves with the manifestation of higher selfishness, but this is not so. What does the expression "love yourself" actually mean?

  1. This is not self-admiration and not exalting yourself above the others. To love yourself is to know that you are not worse than others, that you can achieve everything that the most successful representatives of your profession have achieved.
  2. To love yourself is to accept your body as it is. Strive for the best is not forbidden, but for now it is worthwhile to understand that your soft tummy and rounded hips are beautiful. Feminine forms or a slightly angular figure - it's all not important, beauty lurks in the corners of your eyes, in a smile, in your soul. You are beautiful, believe me, finally, into it!
  3. Self-love is a sober assessment of one's own abilities. You must understand what you are really capable of, and what you can not do. We can not be talented in all areas - someone loves to bargain and knows how to sell any product, someone knows a lot of jokes and knows how to get into trust to anyone, and do not feed anyone with bread, just give a song. And after all give, and after all listen, having held a breath. Open your talent, enjoy what you are doing, and do not try to conquer the peaks that are too far from you.

How to learn to love yourself correctly?

Since we decided that loving ourselves is good, we should understand how to begin to do it.

  1. No matter how hard you try, you can not force yourself to love. There are two ways - either you learn to accept yourself as you are, or start urgently to work hard on all the shortcomings.
  2. If you can not cope with your negative features in appearance or character, then this too can be a consequence of a lack of love for yourself. You try to pump yourself a flat tummy or get slim hips, focusing on advertising, not realizing that it is necessary (not necessary) to you. How to start loving yourself in this case? Go to the big mirror on the day off, when no one disturbs, and sincerely admire every part of your body. Try to find positive traits in your appearance and character. You have to fight for the remaking of some moments of your personality only when you want it, not fashion or a new boyfriend.
  3. How to start loving and respecting yourself, if you do not change your self-esteem? Often we are told that we are no better than others. Perhaps this is true, but we are not worse. Many of us can not open their talents only because of their lack of self-confidence. When we are confident in ourselves, we can do much, and yet we can give our love to others. Only a person who loves himself can share this feeling with others. The one who does not have love even for himself can not love anyone - he just does not know what love is.
  4. To achieve goals, sometimes you have to sacrifice something. Be able to understand when these sacrifices are needed, and when you can do without them. To neglect the needs of the body is stupid and can not lead to anything good. Look for those diets, that you are not a burden, read interesting books for you on self-development, wear what suits your figure, and not clothes that are at the height of fashion.
  5. How to learn to love yourself? Just understand that you are beautiful - soul and body, that you carry light and joy to others and try to do everything that supports this state. Do you enjoy creativity? So do not be afraid to give it time. Do you like dressing up or attending beauty salons? Great, do not think this is wrong. Do something that brings you pleasure, because only so you can share good emotions with the world, which means that you will become happier.