Technique of emotional liberation

The technique of emotional liberation is a combination of the principles of traditional eastern medicine and Western psychology. Its creator is the American engineer Gary Craig, who as a basis took the technique of Dr. Roger Callahan. He claims that thanks to EFT (English Emotional Freedom Technique - the technique of emotional freedom), you can get rid of 85% of your illnesses and other problems.

EFT-therapy involves exposure to human energy channels, which in ancient Chinese medicine are called meridians. By simply tapping your fingers at certain points on the body, you can eliminate the disturbances in your energy system. These points include: the base of the eyebrow, the edge of the eye, the place under the eye and under the nose, the area of ​​the chin, the place where the collarbone originates, the region of the armpit, the tips of the thumb, index finger, middle finger and little finger, the karate point, that is, the palm rim and temechko . The dots are tapping from the top down.

Stages of carrying out techniques of emotional liberation

  1. Identify the very problem with which it is planned to work.
  2. Assess the degree of their experiences on a 10-point scale.
  3. Set up for the session. Begin to pronounce his problem with the phrase: "Despite the fact that (the problem), I deeply and completely accept myself."
  4. Tapping. Bodily release of emotions can be done by tapping at each point 7 times, but everything will depend on your own feelings. Tapping on the points, it is necessary to repeat the essence of the problem. It is not forbidden to spill out all negative emotions - anger, anger, irritation, etc.
  5. Evaluation of its state on a subjective scale. If the emotions still remain and the score is above zero, then the tapping procedure should be repeated. This can be done indefinitely, until the problem is resolved, but experts say that it takes no more than 15 minutes.

This technique of emotional liberation can be used for weight loss, fighting various phobias , etc. You can free yourself from emotional dependence, for example, from your parents or husband. There is also SEA-therapy, that is somato emotional release, the task, which is the removal of all emotional energy cysts. It is carried out by a doctor, diagnosing the patient with wave-like cyclic mini-motions of the body's structures, the quality, frequency and amplitude of which reveals the problem, and then is eliminated.

The technique of tapping