Brain attack

The technique of brainstorming is the selection of a group of qualified experts who are divided into two subgroups. The first generates ideas, and the second analyzes them. The idea that received a large number of votes is considered correct.

The concept of brainstorming

The brain attack was invented by Alex Osborne. He believed that people are afraid to express extraordinary solutions because of possible subsequent criticism. That's why brainstorming is not allowed to criticize new ideas . Such trainings are conducted with the purpose of collective search of new solutions. For 20-40 minutes the group has time to receive a large number of new ideas and suggestions. Participants should generate ideas in a benevolent and friendly atmosphere. Only in this way you can get a really good result. The facilitator has a flexible management plan and monitors the process. It also stimulates the emergence of an increased emotional level of participants. In the process of creating ideas, the group must record notes in order to create real technical proposals on the analysis of fantastic ideas.

Types of brainstorming

1. Direct brainstorming . A creative group can be assigned different tasks, but as a result, participants must obtain a solution or establish the reasons that hinder its implementation. The task of brainstorming is a summary. It can be any problematic situation. The optimal number of participants should be 5-12 people. The proposed ideas are discussed, after which a decision is made.

2. Backward brainstorming . This type of attack is different in that new ideas are not offered. Only the existing ones are discussed and criticized. the group tries to eliminate the presence of defects in existing ideas. During the discussion, participants should answer the questions:

3. Double brainstorming . First, a direct attack takes place. Then there is a break. It can be several hours or days. After this, a direct brainstorming is repeated to make a final decision. In the group there are 20-60 people. They receive invitations in advance. The session takes at least 5-6 hours. Tasks are discussed in a relaxed atmosphere.

4. The method of the conference of ideas . A special meeting is being prepared, the participants of which are invited for two or three days. They brainstorm intermittently and quickly solve the task. This method is often carried out in a country to collect the remaining participants from other countries.

5. The method of individual brainstorming . A participant can alternately play the role of a generator of ideas and a critic. In other types of brainstorming participants are divided into two groups. The best results are obtained by alternating various methods of assault.

6. The method of shadow attack . Participants write their ideas on paper. Then they are criticized and evaluated. Many consider this approach not very effective, as a group discussion stimulates the development of new ideas. But there is also an opinion that it is in a letter that a person can correctly, clearly and briefly present all his thoughts. This saves time, and the number of ideas increases.

Now you know how to brainstorm . If you hear about this for the first time, you may have a question: "Who and when used the brain attack?". So, this method was used by well-known businessmen, managers and inventors, for example, Steve Jobs, Gene Ron, Robert Kern and many others.