Caloric content of cereals

When nutritionists recommend replenishing their diet with porridge, those who struggle with excess weight, there are fears about the high calorie content of such dishes. Cereals do contain much more calories than fruits or vegetables, but it is almost impossible to recover from them. Not for nothing porridge is considered the basis of dietary nutrition , aimed at combating obesity or treatment of diseases. Let's see what the secret is.

Caloric content of cereals

To begin with, it should be understood that the energy value of hundreds of grams of dry cereals and hundreds of grams of finished porridge varies significantly. Groats are very hygroscopic, and during cooking it absorbs water that does not contain calories. The more moisture absorbs the croup, the more significant the difference between the caloric content of the dry and finished product. For example, 100 grams of dry buckwheat contains 329 calories, and 100 grams of finished buckwheat porridge only 100-120 calories. This difference will be greater if you take corn or semolina cereals, from which liquid gruel is obtained. So, the energy value of 100 grams of dry corn groats is 325 calories, and 100 grams of liquid finished porridge contain about 80-90 calories.

Do not forget that this applies only to the calorie content of cereals on the water. If you add butter, sugar, honey, nuts and dried fruits to the cereals, the energy value of the ready-made dish increases significantly, and regular use of such a porridge can actually inflict serious damage on the figure.

Some Tips for Calculating Caloric Value

Many people are interested in how to calculate the calorie content of porridge if there are no kitchen scales at hand. In the preparation process, just consider how many tablespoons of cereals you put in a saucepan. 1 tablespoon contains the following amount of dry cereals:

Below is a table of calories calories. Using it, you can find out what is the caloric content of ready-made porridges on the water.

How to count the calories of porridge with the addition of oil

It is somewhat more difficult to determine the caloric value of cereal with butter. This requires knowing how much butter or vegetable oil you have added to the dish. In 1 tablespoon contains 16.5 grams of butter or vegetable oil . However, cereals with butter and other delicious additives (sugar or honey), although much more pleasant, but not suitable for dietary nutrition. If you still can not give up such a high-calorie dish, then try to eat sweet porridge with butter less often and only in the form of breakfast, and as a side dish use rice or buckwheat porridge with a small amount of vegetable oils.

Kashi - the basis of dietary nutrition

So, we found out that the calories of boiled water on porridges is not so great as the energy value of the same amount of dry cereals. So you can and even need to include porridge in your menu to those who want to lose weight. Having taken a two-hundred-pound portion of buckwheat porridge boiled on the water, you will get about 200-240 calories, as well as a lot of vitamins, minerals and other useful compounds. In this case, you do not remember for a long time about hunger, because cereals are a source of slow carbohydrates. They are broken down gradually, and in response to their processing, hormone insulin is also slowly and gradually released. Therefore, the use of cereals helps to cope with the feeling of hunger, which often suffer people who are dieters.