Is it possible to cucumber while breastfeeding a newborn baby?

Often, new moms have a question about whether it is possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding a newborn baby. Let's try to give an answer and find out: what can be useful for this vegetable and how to use it properly with active lactation, so as not to harm the baby's health and not worsen his health.

What is useful cucumber?

A rich vitamin composition provided this vegetable with such a large prevalence. The cucumber contains vitamins B, E, A, PP. Among the trace elements are worth mentioning calcium, fluorine, potassium, iron, zinc magnesium. Separately it is necessary to say about iodine, which is also present in cucumbers and is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Fresh cucumbers have a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect, which contributes to the release of body tissues from toxins and is important in the postpartum period.

Among the useful properties of cucumber, it should be noted that this fruit:

Can I eat cucumber when feeding a newborn baby?

Until the moment when the child will not be 3 months old, doctors do not recommend eating cucumbers. Otherwise, the mother may encounter:

Given the above, fresh cucumbers with active breastfeeding of a newborn are strictly prohibited.

After reaching the above age, to enter cucumbers into the diet should be gradually, while observing the reaction of a tiny organism. When there are reddening, blisters, rashes, - the vegetable is excluded from the diet. In such cases, you should immediately go to a medical institution. It is worth noting that this phenomenon is noted rarely.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the answer to the question of a young nursing mother: is it possible to eat cucumbers, if the baby is a newborn and has not yet reached a month, is negative. In no case are experiments and risks unacceptable, which can adversely affect the baby's health. It is not justified even in those cases when you really want cucumbers.