Is it possible for a nursing mother to have beets?

Nutrition becomes a special issue during the baby's breastfeeding period. What can and should be eaten by adults, children can not always be useful: there is a risk that their body will respond with allergies or digestive disorders. Therefore, doubts arise about very many products. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible for the nursing mother to have the beets.

What good is the beetroot?

Brown root crop is among the leaders among vegetables for human use. It contains many vitamins and active substances, it helps digestion and has a slight bactericidal effect. The iron contained in this root crop is especially necessary in the period of weakness of the body and people prone to anemia. Iodine is simply indispensable for the health of the thyroid gland, and vitamins B help a person to be not just healthy, but also to keep youth for a long time. Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, considered the red vegetable not only useful, but a medicinal product. Therefore, during lactation, beet gets a special value.

Beetroot nursing mother can

Some argue about whether it is possible when lactating beets. One of the reasons why women during lactation avoid the use of this root is prejudice against foods of red color. Of course, this rule has a good reason, red color usually means the presence of quite aggressive substances, potential allergens. But this does not apply to our vegetable. On the contrary, it is recommended to include beetroot in breastfeeding regularly. Of course, without fanaticism - this applies to any product, because ancient wisdom says that everything is poison and everything is a medicine, the difference can only be in quantity. Cooked beets during breastfeeding will help your mother get the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Beetroot for nursing mother

On the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have beets, nutritionists answer - yes. But beetroot nursing, like many other vegetables, it is better not to eat raw. First, plant foods can also contain pathogens or bacteria, and secondly, some products need to be heat treated to destroy harmful compounds. The body of an adult man can cope with them without problems, but the baby's immunity may not yet be ready for such stresses. Therefore, the beet is used in cooked form when lactated. For example, it will be very useful to make a salad, having flavored it with unrefined vegetable oil.

Boiled beet with breastfeeding

If you still have doubts about whether it is possible for the nursing mother to sugar beet and how the baby's organism can react to it, let's see what happens when the mother eats Buriak during lactation. The organism of the mother, and, hence, her milk is saturated with vitamins and trace elements, including iron necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. And, most importantly, iodine, because, being in its natural form, it is absorbed into the blood exactly at the doses in which it is required, but artificial supplements are dangerous overdose. Also, this root with breastfeeding will help the mother's body to get rid of unnecessary, harmful substances. Some doubt whether it is possible to feed beets because of its action as a laxative, but on this effect is not reflected in the child. On the contrary, many mothers notice that with the inclusion of red root in their diet, the infants began to experience fewer digestive problems.

So, we hope you have got rid of doubts about whether it is possible for a breast-feeding mother. Buryak with breastfeeding can not only eat, but it is necessary, as, indeed, in any other period of life. All vegetables are very useful for the body due to low caloric content with high content of vitamins, cellulose and microelements. Therefore, when eating lactemia moms in the diet should be included necessarily, but only in a cooked form.