Symptoms of fetal hypoxia at late stages

This type of disorder in pregnancy, like fetal hypoxia, developing late in life, occurs quite often. As a rule, it is almost impossible to find her own future mother. The thing is that such a violation almost does not affect the condition and well-being of a woman. However, with this violation, it is the timeliness of detection and the earlier initiation of treatment that are the main factors of a positive result. Therefore, let's take a closer look and tell about what signs it is possible to establish the presence of fetal hypoxia in later terms, and what are the reasons for the development of such a violation.

What causes fetal hypoxia?

All causes of fetal hypoxia in late pregnancy can be conditionally divided into 3 groups: factors originating from the fetus, from the mother, and conditioned by the course of pregnancy itself.

So, the development of such a violation can lead to such diseases in the future mother, as:

If the fetus has certain diseases, a chronic form of hypoxia may develop. Such, as a rule, takes place when:

Also, hypoxia may be due to the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, among which it is necessary to distinguish:

How to determine hypoxia in late pregnancy?

As a rule, the main symptom that allows to suspect this disorder is a decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in the number of fetal movements. Thus, with an insignificant lack of oxygen, the child is hyperactive, and in the severe form of hypoxia, the movements are slow, smooth, and lazy.

The diagnosis of hypoxia is made on the basis of the conducted hardware studies, the main of which is dopplerometry and cardiotocography. When summarizing the results of dopplerometry, there is a worsening of the blood flow directly in the placenta, in the uterine arteries, and a decrease in the fetal heart rate (bradycardia).

What threatens hypoxia of the fetus in late pregnancy?

At the end of pregnancy, the lack of oxygen in the fetus can cause premature birth, intrauterine death. It is also often in such cases that the weakness of labor activity develops, which requires intervention by doctors.