The most good breed of cats

For cats, all cats are wonderful animals. They bring joy already with one of their presence, purring and funny antics. But, like people, all cats have their own character. And it happens that the tailed pet becomes a real thunderstorm of all family members. Particularly affected by the aggressiveness of the animal are small children. Therefore, if a family with a child is going to have an animal, they are interested in what breeds of cats are the most kind.

Animal lovers believe that the kindness and other qualities of a pet's character do not depend on the breed. And his behavior reflects, first of all, your attitude towards him. If you properly educate a cat, treat it kindly, then it will not become aggressive. But experts believe that very many qualities of the character of animals depend on the breed and developed specifically when breeding. And although it seems to many that the most kind and affectionate cats are mongrel, it is often not so. After all, as a rule, they retain most of all instincts and habits from their distant predatory ancestors. Therefore, among cat lovers, several breeds are known that are most suitable for families with children. After all, they were taken out specifically for maintenance in the house and did not have any aggressive qualities.

Which cats are the most kind?

Many experts consider such all bare breeds, for example, sphinxes. These cats are very fond of affection, obedient and kind.

Abyssinian cats are a real find for the owner because of her tender and affectionate nature.

They love the company of the owner very much and are devoted, like dogs - exotic and tailless manxes.

Another most kind breed of cats is the Scottish Fold . It's so clever and hassle-free that it will appeal to even those who do not like cats. He has absolutely no such qualities as vindictiveness or aggressiveness.

But all these breeds are rather rare and little known to ordinary cat-owners. But their most common breeds are the kindest - it's the Persians. They allow you to do anything with yourself and love children very much.

But for every owner the most kind cat in the world is the one that lives next to him. Love your pet, and he will never allow aggression towards you.