Reproduction of scalars in a common aquarium

Scalarians are wonderful fish with an interesting body shape and colors. They are very popular with aquarists, since they are not whimsical enough to feed, water parameters and the volume of the aquarium provided for them.

Aquarium fishes of a scalar are well predisposed to reproduction at home. If the water is clean, the fodder is alive and the water temperature is around 28 degrees, then the animals will start to spawn at the age of six months. Moreover, the quality and diversity of live food for the scalar is the guarantee of the fecundity of your fish. The first attempts are often unsuccessful and do not bring offspring, but on 4-5 times the scalars, as a rule, acquire them.

It is worth noting that with the maintenance of scalars it is better to prevent their reproduction in a common aquarium. This is due to the fact that for all their charm they are considered useless parents and often eat their own eggs. For this reason, experienced breeders strongly recommend taking care of the availability of a separate aquarium for breeding purposes.

Reproduction of scalars

As already mentioned above, the scalars reproduce with caviar. Immediately before its throwing, the fish look for a suitable surface. These can be leaves of underwater plants, large stones , the inner surface of the aquarium. Having found such an object, the scalars carefully cleanse its surface from dirt, snails and debris. Then the spawning process begins.

Female skalariya carefully laying eggs on the selected surface. Following her, a male swims and fertilizes each egg. As we have said, this species of fish can rarely grow offspring on its own. The maximum, which is enough for them - is a couple of days to guard caviar, if until now they have not eaten it. Therefore, after seeing the eggs, it is better to move them to a separate aquarium. To do this, gently cut a part of the algae or take a stone, looking at what surface the caviar was rushing, and isolates it. It is desirable to take water and a few plants from the same aquarium, put around the clock lighting and observe. After 1-2 days, the surface of the eggs breaks and their first movement begins, and after 5 days it is easy to see the tiny head, the digestive tract and the yolk sac, from which the body receives nutrients until the moment of feeding. When this bag decreases and the fry already swim actively - it's time to start feeding.