Molliesia - content

The most popular are the two types of mollies - molliesia of the velor and mollynese of the lytypinna. Velifer lives in the fresh and salt-water reservoirs of North and Central America. In its form, this fish is a bit like a swordbird. Molliesia has no finely finlike fins, but they have a beautiful rich black color. These fish perfectly in harmony with other colorful congeners.

There are many kinds of mollies. All kinds of these viviparous fishes are unusually beautiful and serve as an excellent decoration for any aquarium. Let's look at all the specifics of their content.

Maintenance and maintenance of mollies

Care of the Mollies is much more difficult than other viviparous fishes. They feel good only at a temperature of 24-25 degrees. In such conditions, the fish frolic and eat food. The temperature for Mollies is very important, and therefore in the aquarium it should not change.

In the diet of these fish is mandatory the presence of dry salad, powdered, and algae, which are called nitchatka. Contrary to popular belief that these fish eat only plant food, Mollies do not refuse and live food, so that their content in terms of nutrition is very simple.

The lifetime of Mollies is 5 years. Young females can give birth to 20-30 fry, and females older than 100 fry. Malkov they nurture 40-50 days. Many are interested in how to distinguish the sex of mollies. Sex can be determined by the shape of the anal fin, in addition, the male is slightly smaller than the female.

Diseases of Mollies

In most cases, the disease of Mollies, like most viviparous fishes, is caused by improper care. The main reasons may be overfeeding, feeding inappropriate or poor-quality fodders, insufficient water changes, improper transportation of fish, abuse of medicines. Often the owners complain that Molliesia is sick, if it is covered with a so-called manga. This disease is called ichthyothyrium. White plaque on molliesia can be cured by raising the temperature of the water, by adding salt or special antibiotics to the water.

It can be concluded that Mollies is one of the most popular viviparous representatives of the Pecilian family. Fans of domestic aquarium fish are addicted to them for many decades. The content of mollieses requires certain skills and knowledge, so if you are completely new, then it is worth choosing live-bearing fish, caring for which is more simple.