Otitis in cats

The cat's ear consists of three parts: the inner, middle and outer ear. The inner part is located in the skull, there are organs of balance and hearing. In the middle ear are three bones, they catch the vibrations of the tympanic membrane and transmit it to the inner ear. In this tympanic membrane rests the outer ear, which is represented by a skinny tubule.

Most common in cats is otitis externa. Inflammation of ears in cats can occur for several reasons:

Otitis in cats: symptoms

Common symptoms of otitis in a cat are a smell from the ears, discharge or redness. The cat begins to shake its head constantly, scratches the eye or rubs the muzzle on the floor, begins to react aggressively, if you touch the sick ear.

When purulent otitis in the cat from the ear may be allocated fluid, pus or blood. Upon examination, the doctor may notice redness and swelling of the external auditory canal. If the disease passes in a complicated form, the submandibular lymph nodes may increase.

If a cat has otitis media, it may feel pain when opening the mouth. The animal refuses to eat, as it is difficult for him to chew food. With average otitis in a cat, symptoms such as strabismus, discharge from the eyes may appear, the animal tilts its head towards the diseased ear.

How to treat otitis in cats?

With external otitis, the doctor prescribes topical preparations. Often are treated with several drugs at once: some struggle with the cause of the disease, and others are designed to relieve inflammation.

Washing of the ears. If the disease is started, a large amount of sulfur or debris can accumulate in the ear canal. In this case, the channel must be rinsed, otherwise the doctor will not be able to establish the severity of the disease and inspect the internal surface of the canal.

In the most severe case, a cat may be prescribed a surgical procedure. This happens when the otitis does not pass very long and the auditory canal is increasingly blocked by the tumor.

Often, if otitis externa is not treated for a long time or treated incorrectly, it can give a complication in the form of purulent otitis media in cats. For treatment, a physiological saline solution is prescribed. The veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotics and prescribes medical drops. Never treat the animal yourself, it can lead to very serious consequences.