Jenna Devan shared the details of the intimate life with Chenning!

Jenna Devan has never been afraid to talk openly about sex life with her husband Chenning Tatum. The actress does not consider it shameful to admit her husband in love and admire his abilities in bed. In the last interview with Redbook magazine, Jenna decided to share the secrets of family relations and how to keep a marriage with one of Hollywood's most desirable men!

The secret of the perfect marriage from Jenna Devan

Ten years of living together - this is a solid time for each pair, especially for Hollywood, where at every step an incredible amount of temptations! Jenna Devan is so analyzing her family relationship:

When we met, we were very young and together we passed the way of growing up. Of course, we are far from the ones that were before! When I was 20, I tried to avoid scandals, tactfully circumvented conflict situations, then - it was a fear to show my real emotions. Now I think that was not right, you need to give emotions an outlet, letting off steam, only then you can harmoniously coexist. The main thing is not to forget to listen to what a person tells you and what point of view he stands for!

The editor and designers of the Redbook magazine picked up sensual images for the 36-year-old actress and asked about the secrets of ideal intimate relationships:

There is no one true secret, I will only say that you need to love yourself in the first place, to do so that your man was with you interesting. I always adhered to the rule that buying beautiful underwear is not necessary for a husband, lover, but above all for yourself! Sometimes I make an exception and buy something at the insistence of my husband. Channing and I do not have such a dilemma, that's why the full order is in the intimate life! Perhaps, when the second child appears, everything will change? But now sex is a pleasure, not a schedule!
Jenna Devan decorated the cover of the magazine
Jenna Devan picked up a feminine image for a photoset
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The acting couple is now actively engaged in filming and their work schedules do not always coincide:

Now we are both very busy, so we have time to miss each other. In general, getting bored and falling in love with a husband again and again after so many years of marriage is a gift and a blessing.
Jenna and Channing do not hide their private lives from fans

By the way, not only can Jenna openly discuss her intimate life in numerous interviews. Tatum is also liberated in sexual terms, most recently he described his relationship with his wife:

Jenna has a beautiful, well-built body, a sporting physique that allows us to maximize our sex life. I can say with confidence that no woman in the world is able to satisfy me the way my wife does. In addition, we are always open with Jenn for experiments.