What to feed the kitten?

With the appearance of a kitten in the house, the question of its correct feeding becomes before the owners. A small and unprotected, domestic pet needs the caress and love of its owners, and, of course, in a full-fledged diet. From what kind of food kittens eat, their health and appearance depends. To date, no difficulty is to find a benefit, how to feed the kitten properly. Also, the necessary information can be obtained from a veterinarian. In this article, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic principles of feeding kittens of different ages.

How to feed the kittens in one month?

As a rule, at the age of 1 month, kittens are rarely excommunicated from their mother. But if the excommunication happened, it does not mean that you can now feed a small pet the same as an adult cat. Food for kittens is very different from "adult" cat food. With the mother's milk, her children receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins. It is important to maintain this balance even when the kitten is excommunicated from his mother.

The product from which to start feeding the kitten, according to veterinarians, is a special milk formula - a substitute for cat milk. This mixture is very nutritious and contains a large number of proteins necessary for the development of the kitten. Before feeding the monthly kittens, the mixture should be heated to a temperature of 24-26 degrees.

At this age, kittens gain about 25 grams of weight per day. Therefore, daily it is necessary to increase the portion of the milk formula. Since feeding a monthly kitten follows only a diet rich in nutrients, veterinarians recommend gradually introducing into their diet natural products. Kittens in 1 month is recommended to give egg yolk, cottage cheese, porridge.

What to feed the kitten in 2 and 3 months?

Starting from two months, kittens can be given almost any "adult" food, only in small quantities. Finely chopped vegetables, boiled lean meat, fish, yogurt, cottage cheese, porridge - these products should be present in the diet of the kitten.

Many owners in 2-3 months fed their pets with dry food and canned food. This is quite convenient, because in one portion of the feed, as a rule, contain all the microelements necessary for the normal life of the kitten. Nevertheless, veterinarians recommend ready-mixed feeds with natural food. In addition, among all the variety of feeds for kittens, only a few manufacturers have won the trust of consumers. Therefore, before you buy food for your pet, you should find the best food for kittens. Unfortunately, as a rule, the best dry food for kittens is the most expensive.

How often to feed a kitten?

Starting from the age of 1 month and up to 4 months, kittens need to be fed 5 times a day. In the period of 4-5 months the number of feedings should be reduced to 4 times a day. In 6-8 months, the kitten should be fed 3 times, and in 1 year you can switch to two meals a day.

Some breeds of kittens require special care and feeding. Therefore, before you feed a British or Scottish kitten, you should get advice from a specialist. On how correctly the ration for a baby is chosen, depends on his state of health and mood. If the pet loses some important substances, it grows poorly and gaining weight. Such kittens often cease to shine hair, there are bald spots. And those kittens who receive all the products necessary for their development are always cheerful, playful and bring joy to their masters.