Tsihlazoma bee

This name was given to this fish because of its bright and unusual striped coloration.

Eight-banded cichlazoma - maintenance and care

This cichlid does not require special conditions of detention, but nevertheless it is necessary to take into account the basic nuances and rules. The aquarium should have clean water enriched with plenty of oxygen. It is necessary to monitor the concentration of nitrate, which should not exceed 40 mg / l. For this it is necessary to take into account the quality of tap water, which is already enriched with a lot of harmful substances. With proper care of cichlazoma, the bee can live up to 10 years. The optimal water temperature for these representatives is 26-27 ° C.

In the natural conditions of the eight-stranded cichlasma, the bee eats small fish and invertebrates. Food in the aquarium should have plant elements. The use of dry food is possible only if they contain vegetable protein. Tsiklazoma eight-strand feeds once a day, so it's worthwhile to carefully monitor this and not overfeed the fish. It is necessary to arrange unloading days, approximately 1 day a week. Suitable food can be various seafood and canned peas.

Tsihlazoma bee or biocelatum is an aggressive fish and does not tolerate a neighborhood if there is a small space in the aquarium. It is very important to treat them during spawning, because in this period the fish can even kill its neighbors. Therefore, it is worthwhile to plant such a pair in a separate aquarium. If there is a sufficiently large aquarium, this fish can pick up neighbors. It should be noted that cichlazoma bicelatum bee feels uncomfortable in the community of other large cichlids . With it well coexists a black pack, giant gourami, plectostomus, brocaded pterygoicht.