Staphylococcus aureus in newborns

Staphylococcus aureus refers to groups of bacteria that accompany a person all his life. For an adult with a developed immunity, these bacteria are not particularly dangerous. The situation with babies is much more complicated.

Types of manifestation of Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus in newborns is adjusted for inflammatory processes and its signs are numerous. It can be purulent skin rashes, and nervous system diseases. Often bacteria provoke otitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. One of the most severe forms of infection is blood poisoning, which requires transfusion. Staphylococcus in newborns also manifests itself as a combination of several processes: the appearance of pustules on the skin and intestinal colic.

Staphylococcus is often located on the skin of newborns. In the absence of wounds and the need to introduce a catheter and other medical devices, the risk of bacteria entering the body is minimal, but nevertheless it is due to the loose structure of the skin of infants. If epidermal staphylococcus in newborns has got into the body, urgent treatment is required.

Another place of accumulation of bacteria is the mucous membranes of infants. Staphylococcus in newborns, located in the nose and eyes, can provoke frequent colds and conjunctivitis. Normally, all these bacteria can be present, but when appropriate conditions appear they can cause significant harm. The same applies to staphylococcus in newborns in the intestine. The presence of bacteria should be a cause for concern at the appearance of intestinal colic, unusual for the child's stool and temperature.

Causes of Staphylococcal Infection

Knowing how to transmit Staphylococcus aureus in newborns will help parents reduce the risk of the disease. The main ways of infection are touch, food and airborne droplets. Breast milk can also become a source of transmission if the mother has purulent mastitis.

Getting into the body, bacteria do not always cause the disease. The main cause of the appearance of staphylococcal infection in newborns is weakened immunity. Very often, infection occurs in a stationary environment. The presence of patients and carriers of bacteria creates optimal conditions for activating the infection. The risk group includes premature babies.

Treatment of staphylococcus in newborns

An analysis of staphylococcus in newborns can be done at almost any clinic. Depending on the complaints, they can take a scrape or check the baby's feces for bacteria. If staphylococcus in newborns was found in feces or scrapings during routine testing, and the child behaves naturally and does not give signs of anxiety, it makes no sense to treat it and especially take antibiotics.

This kind of bacteria is dangerous in a situation when they get into conditions and start to activate and allocate the products of vital activity. The latter render active toxic effect on the body.

Staphylococcus in newborns, who has become a disease, needs treatment. Depending on the complexity of the inflammation and the location of its location, the doctor selects the necessary course. The peculiarity of staphylococcus is that it is easily adapted to antibiotics and a number of them have already been deleted by specialists from the list of effective ones. An important condition for the appearance of staphylococcal infection in infants is the timeliness of contacting a doctor. Because of the rather weak immunity, every day is important.

The consequences of staphylococcus in newborns can be serious: lung abscesses, blood infection, toxic shock and others. Basically, such complex forms are the result of the detection of infection in later stages.