Dropsy of testicles in newborns

Dropsy testicles - a disease quite common in newborn boys, it consists in the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. As a rule, this disease does not pose a particular danger to the health of the baby and does not even require special treatment.

Causes of dropsy of testicles in newborns

Initially, the testicles form and develop inside the abdomen of the fetus, which is in the womb of the mother. As a result of development, they move from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum, during the migration various tissues are captured, which form the shell of the testicles. With the normal completion of the process, this shell must be overgrown from above, so that the testicles are in a closed space. Otherwise, serous fluid can enter through the non-overgrown duct into the abdominal cavity. As a result, newborn boys develop testicular dropsy. The above reason for the onset of the disease is the most common. But there are others, such as:

Symptoms of dropsy in a newborn

You can be calm, hydrocele (the medical name of dropsy testicles) does not hurt the baby, and does not interfere with urination.

Dropsy of testicles in newborns and its treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of dropsy testicles in newborns is not so difficult. For a start, the doctor performs an examination of the genitals. The most effective method is ultrasound. It allows you to assess the condition of the testicle and appendage, to know the volume of fluid. To establish the diagnosis, palpation of the external genitalia, scrotal examination, and sometimes additional methods are also necessary.

In 80% of boys diagnosed with "isolated dropsy testicles," the disease passes on its own within a year. Most of the disease occurs due to birth trauma, insufficient outflow of lymph from the scrotum and hormonal failures. Isolated dropsy can be either unilateral or bilateral. In rare cases, the condition of dropsy becomes severe, and surgical intervention is required. When a child, under two years old, is experiencing too intense edema of the testicle, pumping out the fluid with punctures around the diseased organ, as well as antibacterial therapy. When relapsing, the operation to remove excess fluid is repeated again and again until the child will not be two years old.

When the testicle is in contact, the self-healing usually occurs during the first months of the baby's life, due to the overgrowing of the vaginal canal of the peritoneum. If the disease does not recede by itself until 1.5 - 2 years, then an operation is prescribed. Otherwise, infertility may develop.

Despite the fact that the disease does not seem so terrible, it is necessary to see a doctor. Although the effects of a dropsy of hydrocephalus of the testicles are unlikely to disturb your child in the future (they usually do not happen), but with prolonged and sufficiently intense edema the testicle can atrophy. So why risk, if you can be safe?