Signs of intracranial pressure in infants

Increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) in infants is usually a consequence of any pathologies, for example, fluid accumulation in the brain (hydroencephaly).

Signs of ICP

Signs (symptoms) of increased intracranial pressure in the baby are usually few, which only complicates the differentiation of the disease.

The first thing that should alert the mother is a constant worry of crumbs, a rejection of the breast. In addition, the following signs may indicate an increase in intracranial pressure in newborns:

How to identify the problem yourself?

In order to differentiate this pathology at the initial stage, the mother must know which signs primarily speak of intracranial pressure. These include:

  1. Constantly arising bouts of anxiety and incessant crying. The kid is constantly excited. In the people such a state is often described by the expression "does not find its place".
  2. Turns of the head in different directions. The child periodically sharply rotates his head from side to side. These movements are often accompanied by crying.
  3. Restless sleep. The child sleeps a little. During sleep, he is restless and may even cry.

Diagnosis of hanging ICP

Often, intracranial pressure in infants can be a sign of a disease such as a brain tumor or encephalitis.

In order to correctly diagnose the disease, with intracranial pressure, the following research methods are used:


Treatment is appointed by the doctor only after the diagnosis. The main goal of the entire treatment process is to reduce intracranial pressure. This is why often diuretics are prescribed for children to eliminate this pathology. As ancillary facilities, physiotherapy procedures and massage are also prescribed.

If the cause of increased intracranial pressure is a tumor, then it is removed, by neurosurgical operation. After its elimination, the symptomatology disappears, and the child completely recovers. That's why an early diagnosis plays an important role.