Progesterone - injections

Synthetic progesterone is a drug that is used to eliminate all kinds of functional disorders of the reproductive system. Progesterone injections are also prescribed to treat certain forms of female infertility and restore the normal cycle of menstruation.

As a rule, the hormone progesterone should be produced by the body on its own, and during pregnancy - especially. If there is a shortage of it, then the woman experiences difficulties with the fertilization and bearing of the child.

When are injections of progesterone?

Progesterone injections during pregnancy are necessary in such cases:

The need for such injections is determined by the delivery of a blood test.

How to prick injections of progesterone?

Typically, the procedure is done subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The latter option is the most painless. Very often there are cones from injections of progesterone, which were made subcutaneously. In order to avoid them it is necessary to adhere to the rules of procedure, namely: the ampoule must be heated to body temperature and not contain crystals. This will promote a better absorption of the drug into the blood. Make sure that the nurse knows exactly how to make a prick of progesterone, which will reduce the degree of pain and manifestations of improper administration.


Instructions for injections of progesterone contain such contraindications to its use as:

Very carefully the drug is used by people who suffer from bronchial asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, tubal pregnancy and so on. It is not recommended to take both injections of progesterone and alcohol at the same time. This can significantly increase the risk of side effects and their severity.

Side Effects of Progesterone Punctures

A prolonged course of treatment can lead to such pathological conditions of the body as:

Also common enough is the fact that after injections of progesterone there are no monthly ones. It can be explained by many reasons, which it is better to find out by performing ultrasound, additional tests and consulting with your doctor. It is very important to observe the required dosage. Progesterone injections 2.5% can be done no more than 1ml at a time. They can be taken in combination with vitamin or mineral supplements or dietary supplements.