Probability of twin birth

Perhaps, every future mother at some point thinks: "What if I'm pregnant with twins?", "What is the probability of giving birth to twins?"

This article will help you understand what the birth of twins depends on, and evaluate your chances to present the world with two charming babies at once.

To begin with, we will clarify that twins (twins) are so-called fraternal twins. That is, those born as a result of fertilization of two separate eggs, in contrast to identical twins, which are born as a result of the division of one fertilized egg into two separate embryos. Odnoyaytsevye twins always look like each other like two drops of water, and twins can be similar no more than the brothers or sisters born at different times.

What factors can contribute to the birth of identical twins - is still unknown. But the possible causes of the birth of twins, modern science has established. There are seven main factors that increase the likelihood of conception of twins.

  1. Hereditary predisposition. If you want to find out what is the probability for you to become pregnant with a double, first of all, study the pedigree, your husband and your husband. In your or his family there were cases of the birth of twins? So, you have a chance to become two parents at once.
  2. Use of oral contraceptives. If you took oral contraceptives for at least six months and immediately became pregnant after their withdrawal, it is possible that pregnancy will be bipartite. The fact that the ovaries have the ability to compensatory response, that is, after a long medication "rest" begin to work with redoubled force. That is why during this period for one ovulation can not ripen one egg, and two or even more.
  3. Application of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Perhaps you've heard fascinating stories about women who gave birth as a result of IVF triplets or even "gear". This is possible because with IVF in the womb a woman is planted 2-6 fertilized eggs, which is called "with a reserve". As a rule, most of these eggs do not survive and remain alone. But sometimes it happens that two or even more fertilized eggs survive and continue to develop.
  4. Age after 35 years. As we approach the climax (the age-related decline in the reproductive function), ovulation becomes irregular. That is, in one cycle a woman's egg can not ripen at all, but in another (thanks to the same compensatory ovarian reaction, mentioned above) several eggs can ripen at once. It is not necessary to explain what will happen if at least two of them are fertilized.
  5. Time of conception. The probability of conception of twins in the spring is higher, as long as a light day, and this, in turn, increases the activity of sex hormones.
  6. Another pregnancy. It is curious that with every subsequent birth the probability of twins growing increases. After the second birth, twice, after the fifth birth - at five. And if you already had twins, multiply your chances by 2 more.
  7. Food. Of course, science does not yet know any specific products, increasing the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins. But there is no doubt one thing: malnutrition and strict diets will deprive you of this chance.

If you have recently become pregnant and are interested in what the probability of a twins birth is for you, then for sure you are wondering, and what are the signs of the birth of twins? As for your subjective feelings, indirectly, the presence of multiple pregnancies may indicate increased toxicosis, weakness, rapid weight gain. But in fact, you do not need to know any special signs, because your gynecologist at the examination already starting from the 6th week of pregnancy will be able to assume with great probability the presence of multiple pregnancies. And already the first ultrasound examination can give an exact answer to the question about the number of fruits.