Tuberculosis - treatment

In 1882, scientist Robert Koch discovered a bacterium that causes tuberculosis and proved that the disease is contagious. Studies of Koch's rods have shown that this bacterium is very resistant to external influences, it can withstand a wide range of temperatures and can live from several months to 1.5 years in different environments. The main method of preventing tuberculosis is to strengthen immunity, so the disease is most prevalent in developing countries, in which there is a low standard of living. Most often tuberculosis bacteria affect areas in which there is not enough silicon. Therefore, for the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, it is recommended to eat foods rich in this mineral. Successful recovery depends on timely diagnosis and the right treatment for tuberculosis. Independent treatment of tuberculosis by folk remedies without diagnostics and specialist help can lead to serious complications.

Tuberculosis can affect various organs and systems of the body. The most common is pulmonary tuberculosis, but a neglected disease can cause secondary infection of other organs through the blood. Symptoms of tuberculosis are very diverse and often similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Weakness, anorexia, irritability may be the only signs of the disease in the early stages. This leads to untimely treatment of tuberculosis and increases the risk of complications.

Treatment of tuberculosis

The method of treatment of tuberculosis should be selected by an experienced specialist, based on the results of diagnosis, localization and type of disease. Treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies should also be under the supervision of a doctor, since not all prescriptions are suitable for different forms of the disease. During treatment it is very important to follow the recommendations of a specialist. Drugs need to be changed after a certain time, as tuberculosis becomes resistant to medications. An additional method of treating tuberculosis is breathing exercises, physiotherapy, diet. Treatment of patients with tuberculosis with an open form should be done only in specialized clinics for the treatment of tuberculosis, with the patient's open form a danger to others, especially for close people.

Treatment of infiltrative tuberculosis

When infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis treatment will take a long time. A complex of 3-4 drugs is prescribed, depending on the condition and complications, corticosteroid hormones can additionally be prescribed, in some cases surgical intervention is necessary.

Treatment of focal tuberculosis

Focal tuberculosis, on the contrary, is easily treatable. The first 2 months are prescribed a complex of 4 drugs, and 4 months are taken 2 medications. With timely treatment of focal tuberculosis does not cause complications, but in the absence of treatment, it can go into a more severe form.

Treatment of tuberculosis of bones

With bone tuberculosis, chemotherapy is the basis of treatment. In addition to medications, it is important to perform orthopedic treatment, whose goal is to reduce the burden on the affected area. In the absence of destructive processes, treatment can be quite long, but successful. In the late stages of fully curing tuberculosis of the bones and avoid complications is very difficult, in such cases, the focus of the disease can be eliminated only by the operative method.

Treatment of tuberculosis in children should be done only under the supervision of experienced specialists. The professional approach plays an important role in the further life of patients. Sanatorium treatment can also positively affect recovery, but it must be taken into account that in some forms of the disease this method of treatment can be contraindicated.

In the treatment of tuberculosis, the main role is played by the sequence of prescription of drugs, continuity and strict implementation of recommendations. After remission of the process, most often, anti-relapse courses are prescribed to avoid the return of the disease.

Treatment of tuberculosis by folk methods

There are many methods of folk treatment of tuberculosis, but choosing this method it is necessary to control the course of the disease with the help of specialists in order to avoid the progression of the disease and complications. It is best to use the treatment of tuberculosis by folk remedies as an auxiliary method of fighting the disease. Many recipes can help maintain immunity and resist the spread of the disease to other organs.

Here are some recipes for folk treatment of tuberculosis:

The treatment of tuberculosis can be complicated and time-consuming, but thanks to modern medicine, patients have a chance not only to prolong life, but also to completely get rid of this disease.