Hives - how to treat?

Urticaria is an allergic reaction of the body, which is manifested by a sudden appearance on the skin (sometimes on the mucous membranes) of a rash - pink-red flat blisters. Thus the inflammatory reaction is accompanied by a strong itch.

At the root of this disease may be internal causes: the presence of foci of infection of the body (helminthic invasions, caries, liver diseases, etc.), metabolic and endocrine system disorders. Also, the cause may be the effect of external factors: various allergens (food, medicinal, household, pollen, etc.), solar radiation, thermal factors (wind, frost), stressful situations, etc.

Forms of urticaria

Hives can occur in two forms: acute and chronic. As a rule, acute urticaria occurs in response to the effect of an allergen, and its symptoms are observed not for long - from a few hours to a day. Most often, the rash is observed on the hands, legs, chest, buttocks, but can appear on any part of the body.

Chronic urticaria in most cases is associated with diseases of the digestive system. Manifestations of this form of urticaria are observed either for a long time, in some cases progressing and causing angioedema ("giant hives"), or occur intermittently. In addition to itching, the appearance of a rash may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, nausea, headache.

How to cure hives?

And now we will understand how it is necessary to treat hives in adults, which methods of traditional and alternative medicine are most effective in combating this disease.

Acute urticaria

Treatment of acute urticaria is usually not difficult. First of all, it is necessary to determine the allergen and to exclude contact with it. If the occurrence of the disease is associated with food allergens, it becomes necessary to adhere to a special diet. Also, medical therapy with oral administration of antihistamines is conducted. Today, preference is given to third-generation drugs: telphrast, erius, zirtek, etc. To reduce vascular permeability and increase the tone of capillaries, along with these funds, calcium preparations are prescribed.

To eliminate itching and to get rid of the rash as soon as possible, in the treatment of urticaria, ointments, lotions and creams containing corticosteroids are used. It is also desirable to use the latest generation of drugs that do not contain fluoride and chlorine: lokoid, advantan, elokom, etc. These drugs have an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect. In order to alleviate the symptoms, it is also possible to use topical preparations with menthol, anesthesin.

In hives caused by food or drug allergens, the use of laxatives and diuretics is indicated for the purpose of rapid removal of these substances from the body.

Chronic urticaria

Treatment of chronic urticaria in the acute stage is similar to the treatment of acute urticaria, however, the duration of medication is increased. In addition, in this case, a more thorough examination is required, including a number of laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods to identify the underlying disease. The sanation of foci of infection is being carried out, in some cases it is recommended that plasmapheresis is a procedure for removing toxic substances from the blood.

In severe cases of urticaria, when rash and edema spread to large areas of the body and seize mucous membranes, emergency measures are shown - injection of active steroids and adrenaline.

Traditional methods of treatment of urticaria

In cases where there is no possibility to consult a doctor, you can try to treat hives with folk remedies: