Prevalin - analogues

Prevalin alergi is a modern antiallergic drug produced in the form of a nasal spray . It is recommended to be used for allergies to plant pollen, animal hair and other substances coming through the respiratory tract and causing nasal congestion and rhinitis.

Features of the drug

While acting directly in the zone of allergic reaction, this medicine blocks already penetrated particles of allergens and, creating a protective film, prevents contact of the mucosa with allergens contained in the inspired air. In addition, the spray contributes to the hydration and regeneration of the nasal mucosa, the rapid removal of allergens.

The peculiarity of this medicine is that it consists entirely of natural ingredients, does not contain preservatives, chemical flavors and other harmful components. The list of constituent ingredients includes: bentonite, xanthan gum, sesame oil, peppermint oil , glycerin, etc. Also, the preparation has a unique texture, which makes it perfectly atomized, and when it gets onto the nasal mucosa it is converted into a gel film that is permanently retained on it.

Spray analogues Prevalin alergy from allergies

The only drawback of the drug in question can be called its relatively high cost. Therefore, often with the appointment of Prevalin, patients want to know what can replace this drug, find out if there is an analogue that has the same effect. Also, the presence of analogs are interested in those patients who did not feel the proper effect when treating this spray.

It is worth knowing that there are no drugs on the pharmaceutical market today, whose composition would be similar to the composition of Prevalin, i.e. there are no full analogues of this medicine. However, another drug for nasal administration is being produced, which has a similar effect, - Nazava's spray. This spray contains micronized cellulose and mint extract, which, deposited on the nasal mucosa, also create a protective film and prevent contact with allergens.