Spasms of the intestine - symptoms

Spasms of the intestine - a sharp contraction of the smooth muscles of the large or small intestine. More prone to spasmodic reduction is the small intestine, but in the intestine spasms are generalized, i.e. become universal. Therefore, speaking of the spasm of this organ, the spasm of the thick and small intestines is often implied simultaneously.

Symptoms of spasm of the intestine (thick and thin)

The muscular walls of the intestine move its contents through a successive wave-like contraction. With the coordinated operation of the muscles, the functioning of the organ proceeds normally. But if the action of the muscles becomes mismatched, several segments of the musculature of the intestine contract simultaneously, which leads to spasm and stiffness of the contents of the intestine.

Manifestations of intestinal spasm:

These symptoms can occur simultaneously or alternate, occur periodically or permanently. Concomitant symptoms of spasm and pain in the intestine can act:

Causes of intestinal spasm:

  1. Get into the intestines of a lot of poorly digested food. This can happen due to overeating (for example, with a feast) or fast food intake (eating on the go, masticating cheating). This is also facilitated by poor digestive capacity of the stomach and pancreas due to various pathologies (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.).
  2. Getting into the intestines stale, fermented food, pathogenic microorganisms. This leads to increased gas production, imbalance of intestinal microflora, intestinal infections and, as a result, can cause spasm.
  3. Ingestion of inorganic toxins - salts of heavy metals. In particular, lead salts when entering the intestine cause intestinal colic. This can occur in people whose work is accompanied by contact with various chemicals.
  4. Increased nervous excitability is quite a frequent cause of bowel spasm. The most susceptible to this pathology is the impressionable nature of a lean physique in stressful situations.
  5. Helminthiasis also often causes severe spasms in the intestine, because The presence of parasites in the intestine is an irritating factor. In this case, the accompanying symptoms are poor appetite, nausea, weight loss.
  6. Spasms of the intestine can be observed against the background of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, which also affects the digestive system. The accompanying symptoms in this case are nausea and diarrhea.

Spasms of the intestines - diagnosis

If the spasms of the thick and thin intestines are often repeated, it is necessary to consult a doctor. To determine the causes of spasm, as a rule, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

Treatment of intestinal spasm

The purpose of the treatment regimen is only after the examination and clarification of the diagnosis. At home, to relieve a violent spasm, you can take an antispasmodic - for example, But-shpu. Also help to relax the musculature of the intestine warm bath or putting a warm warmer to the stomach.

For the prevention of intestinal spasms, it is necessary to follow such recommendations: