Erosion of the esophagus - symptoms and treatment

Erosion of the esophagus is an inflammatory lesion of the mucosa of the wall of the digestive canal, through which food from the pharynx enters the stomach. More often the pathology develops against a background of long course of other diseases of the digestive system. The defeat of the esophagus tissues is associated with the action of the thrown stomach contents, which has an acid reaction. Pathology threatens with complications such as bleeding, ulcers, malignancy of tissues, etc., therefore, if symptoms of erosion of the esophagus are found, immediately start treatment and follow all medical instructions.

Symptoms of esophagus erosion

A feature of the disease is that it often occurs in a hidden or erased form, with a minimal set of anxious manifestations that make you pay attention. Therefore, in some cases, erosion is detected accidentally during instrumental diagnostics of digestive organs.

But nevertheless it is possible to allocate a number of symptoms on which patients make complaints more often and which should be an occasion for the reference to the gastroenterologist. These include:

Treatment of esophagus erosion

Depending on the severity of the pathology and the presence of complications, concomitant diseases, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis or in a hospital, and the average period of healing of esophagus erosion is usually 4-6 weeks. With timely therapy, erosive lesions of the mucosa completely heal without scarring and deformation of the esophagus. After healing, maintenance therapy is given for 16-24 weeks.

To treat erosion of the esophagus, various groups of medicines are prescribed:

In the treatment scheme is mandatory to adhere to a healthy diet, the rejection of bad habits. With the permission of the doctor, the treatment of erosion of the esophagus can be supplemented with folk remedies. For example, a good effect is the intake of fresh potato juice - 50 ml four times a day for at least a month.