Test for color blindness

Problems with color perception can not always be diagnosed on time, which significantly degrades the quality of life. The test for color blindness can detect this genetic disease in a short time without special ophthalmologic manipulations. There are several varieties of this procedure.

What are the tests for color blindness and color perception?

Such types of incorrect perception of color are known:

In addition, there is absolute color blindness, in which people see the surrounding reality in black and white colors - monochromasia.

Normal perception of shades is called trichromasia.

The essence of the test for the examination of color blindness in an oculist consists in viewing a person with cards with images consisting of small colored circles. They form geometric figures and figures in such a way that people with normal color perception can see them, and patients with impairments either can not do this or observe other images.

Rubkin's test for color blindness

The study in question consists of viewing 23 cards. For each of them is allocated 9-10 seconds of time. It is important that the event is conducted in good light at rest. The image should be on the same level as the patient's eyes. Pictures should be viewed from left to right, from top to bottom.

On the first card - the number 69, on the second - a square and a triangle. They can be seen by people with normal color perception, and color-blind. These images are intended to illustrate the essence of the test to determine color blindness and identify the simulation.

Next, consider the cards in turn, the first number or figure visible to the trichromant:

Rubkin's test for color blindness is sometimes called Rybkin's test (erroneously), it is important not to be confused with the tables of Ishihara or Ishihara. They look like Rubkin's cards, but instead of geometric figures, the Japanese ophthalmologist uses continuous curved lines.